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Official CASE pic thread! 56k BEWARE!!

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Never really had a chance to mess with the latest Lian-Li cases before.

Found it a lot of fun to say the least.


Black V-1000 w/window, FX-57, Shin-Etsu TIM, OCZ PC4000 Plats, Thermalright XP-120, ThermalTake A2018 fans (3), Internal ADDA 120mm fan, eVGA 7800GTX KO, 2x74G Raptors RAID 0, NEC ND-3540B


Finished Case



Removed 2nd HDD cage for more room



Wires and sheet in bottom half of case



Lapped the schnitzel out of the XP-120



The eVGA 7800 GTX KO looks like it's part of the "DeathStar"



Used one of the stock fans inside for even more case air flow



All purty at night



Added some logos to cover the bare aluminum



Beautiful case but with all the ventilation holes on front and rear it's hardly quiet.

At 3.1 GHz now and I'll throw up some benches later.


That is my favourite out of the 49 pages so far, amazing! lots of nice rigs in there. make mine look like a dell lol

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Well thank you both very much for the kind words.


No website, but I think I've 7 or 8 rigs in this thread :)

The more times you do something the better you get at it.

The guys that do watercooling AND a nice case setup have always impressed me.

You start filling up those cases and wire/cable management become much more difficult.


And I realize I am pretty anal retentive about the whole process of a build.

Always build the rig outside the case 1st. Need a plan for what I am gonna do.

Downloaded the manuals and printed them out and made little notes in the margins before I even purchased the goods or built them.

Took my time putting components in and positioning wires so they were hidden whenever possible. Spending 6-10 hours on cable management is not unusual (Make that VERY anal)


But there are some great rigs in this thread. A lot of different syles and ideas.

I come here often for inspiration and to see the latest.

If you get a chance check out FarEast's rig towards the front and find his link to his work log. Now that's dedication.

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I'm like soundx98 about my rigs. Lots of time invested in getting everything just right.


Hell, even Erzebet in the FlowaPowa case with no window gets the same treatment.


I think it has something to do with the saying... "if you're gonna do something, do it right!"




"straighten your room up boy or I'll whip your butt!!!" lol

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"straighten your room up boy or I'll whip your butt!!!" lol



made me think, and at the end of the day it looked like this;




This is the next project a really butchered Tsunami Dream Case.



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i always say, if a desk isn't messy than you're not fiddling inside your computer enough, lol.


my desk has screw drivers, flash light, case screws, cables, 3 cpu's, some vid card mem heatsinks, a ruler, a stress ball lol, pipe tape, note pad with tweaking notes written on it, burnd CD's, magnifine glass, calculator for the component mutli's dividers and other things. two monitors, and lastly a computer! lol





Heh not in my particular case. I fiddle with the inners of my case a heck of a lot, constantly upgrading and trying out new things constantly striving for that perfect setup. The difference being that I have a toolbox with neat compartments so I can find the right tool or screw or whatever accessory swiftly and get on with the job at hand as fast as possible. I always clean up after myself however and put things back where they were right away. Not only do I prefer the guts of my case to be clean and well planned out but also the workspace around my box so that I can enjoy my rig more thoroughly :cool: .

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Dude, did read the rules? RULES


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