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Actually, I'd say the biggest competition for WoW right now is LOTRO. It's fairly user friendly (like WoW), the graphics are better, and it's bringing many Tolkienites in that have never even heard of WoW or played an MMO before, while still attracting the general MMO crowd. Afterall, without Tolkien, there'd be no WoW. I've been playing the LOTRO beta for awhile, but I've never played WoW, so I can't compare the two directly. According to the forums, there's of course a lot of former WoW players that say it's 10x better, and there are those that think it's worse.


The really appealing thing to many people though is the pricing. If you preorder, you can get a Lifetime Subscription for $199. That's almost a year in WoW, and to many MMOers, they would love not having to worry about a monthly fee (even the those that like WoW better have expressed that they wished Blizzard did some type of lifetime membership).


I forget when Open Beta begins, but I think it's at the end of the month, if you're interested in trying it out.

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in theory, final fantasy online would have been the one to beat WoW to a pulp, but it didn't really happen...shame really.


suppose it doesn't hurt to keep an ear and an eye out for this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea, I'm kinda late posting in this thread, but I gotta add my 2 cents.


Afterall, without Tolkien, there'd be no WoW.

If there was no WoW what would LOTRO be based off of. I don't think any other game before WoW was setup like that. Maybe Everquest but I never played it. LOTRO looks like a copy of WoW with better graphics and a different lore and gameplay style. It looks like a cool game, if Blizzard would update WoW gfx to a more realistic that would be sweet. Also that Lifetime Plan is a smart move by Midway to get MMO players to join the band wagon.


Open Beta is April 5th I think and Pre-orders get into Beta March 30. You might as well preorder and test the game out, the limited time offer on the preorder ends after your first 30 days of gameplay. The game offically starts April 25 I believe thats when you can no longer preorder the game.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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If there was no WoW what would LOTRO be based off of. I don't think any other game before WoW was setup like that. Maybe Everquest but I never played it.

Let me guess. You never played any MMO's before WoW did you?


I've been MMOing for about eight years now and I can say with complete certainty that each generation of MMO rips off the ones that preceeded it. Everything that you like from WoW has already been implemented in one game or another. WoW was just smart enough to take the best of each world and combine it all. This is not a shot at WoW, mind you. With almost nine million accounts, it's pretty hard to argue that they're not doing something right, but I'd hardly give Blizzard sole credit for everything in the game.


I wouldn't say that LOTR:O is "based on" WoW. By that rationale, WoW is "based on" FF, SWG, DAOC, EQ, Shadowbane, and UO. Even EQ and UO, which are arguably the first two large-scale MMOs, have their roots in MUDs and door-style AOL games.

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actually WoW is not the forefather of any generation of MMORG's, it simply gathered together all the best attributes of the games already existing and packaged them so that people with ADD would have something to play lol

But seriously, WoW's only outstanding attribute is the instant gratification in the reward system it offers through questing. Graphically it is meh

For game play, graphics and pvp I still think Lineage2 is a better platform but the reward system is horrible


I had been waiting for WHOnline then I saw the prerelease video and was somewhat horrified to discover it looks like a glorified ripoff of WoW

I have also been following Conan so my hopes now rest there for something worthy of wasting time on

Overall I guess the game you choose depends upon what you're looking to do while gamning?

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