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Should I Try/play Wow?


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okay, so a coworker said he can give me a disc that has a 12-day free trial. I basically told him this:


"A trial of a game is great for people who don't know whether they'll like the game. But I know I will like the game, so it is pointless for me to do the trial, as I don't want to get involved."


It's true though, I'm sure I'd like it, but I don't really think it's worth it. First off, how easy is it for a noob to start? I'm not worried about learning the game, but rather, being behind so many levels to those that have played since inception (my coworker, for example, has two lvl60's already). Are there enough low-level characters to play with?


If I try the 12-day trial, and decide I want to subscribe, will I have to first buy a retail copy of the game before signing up, or do I just pay the monthly fee? (How much is it, btw?) And what will happen when Burning Legion comes out? Should I wait 'til then and be a blood elf?


And lastly, will I have time for other games? If it means not being able to play CS:S anymore, I'd have to decline :P. Plus I'd probably want to be able to play ES4: Oblivion and Hellgate: London when they come out. Maybe even satisfy my mmo craving with Huxley instead of WoW.


So what do you think? Should I join all you losers with no life? ;) Or should I wait for Huxley or LotR: Online?


I want honest answers. No "OMG$! WOW R0X0r5!!!" or "MMO's SUCK!" comments please.

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LOL, oh come on i'm not a loser, well the last time I checked in the mirror i wasn't <_<

and i play WoW i've had it sence it came out. now on to answering that question, I think you should play , but be smart about it or it will take over your life FOREVER!!!

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Blizzard adds new servers nearly monthly- I believe it auto-selects new realms over older ones at the server select screen. The RP-PvP server I am on, Twisting Nether, has been going for at least 2 months now and we still have a steady supply of lowbies running around.


For your information, it seems more mature, cool people flock to Roleplay servers over others so you might want to consider joining either a RP server or a RP-PvP server.


If you'd like, you could join the roleplay guild I'm in (Undead only :)) on the horde side of Twisting Nether. Check us out at Infection. We're continually growing but we are definately not an "end-game" guild yet. We've already been discussing such things though, so it's just a matter of time before we get the rest of the members up to 60.


We're a rather laid back, fun guild and I don't believe we've had any members specifically leave because of the guild being "bad" for whatever reason. I can only recall two members being kicked because they had the lowest rank in the guild and hadn't been on for months.


By the way, I'm Morgelivack the priest.

Edited by Instag0

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funny story, my wife just left me over wow, i have 4 lvl 60 chars  pm me and you can play one of my account, yes i have multi,but ya anyways my wife just left me over wow this week so... its addictive


! Funny story indeed, and exactly why you shouldn't start playing this game.

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Don't play, too addictive.  I'm still gearing up in Molten Core, then I type /played and realize how much of my life I've wasted.  :P


haha. yeah, well I used to play DAOC back in the day. I remember viewing my game hours and realizing I wasted away days of my life. I'd probably still be playing that if it didn't ask me to renew my credit card info. I used that as my way out. I figured...I won't update, and it'll lock me out. Then I'm FREE! lol


funny story, my wife just left me over wow, i have 4 lvl 60 chars  pm me and you can play one of my account, yes i have multi,but ya anyways my wife just left me over wow this week so... its addictive


wow, are you serious? that sucks dude. sorry to hear that, though you don't even sound upset about it. Maybe that's the real sign how addictive wow is...that your wife leaving isn't even stopping you from playing.


Blizzard adds new servers nearly monthly- I believe it auto-selects new realms over older ones at the server select screen. The RP-PvP server I am on, Twisting Nether, has been going for at least 2 months now and we still have a steady supply of lowbies running around.


For your information, it seems more mature, cool people flock to Roleplay servers over others so you might want to consider joining either a RP server or a RP-PvP server.


But don't you have to "roleplay" in an RP server? I don't want to talk like an ogre. lol.

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I played WoW. And I would still be playing WoW if I didn't have to play for it. I played on a friends account for about 3 weeks because he went into the Navy but still had time left on the account. It is a extremely addictive game and I would say go ahead and play it if you can controll how much you play it.

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Its addictive so what.. if you work all day and got nothing to do.. just play wow. after you get your guy to 60 its not nearly as much fun as it initilly is.


In the past few weeks ive tried a few other MMOs


Ive tried City of villans / heroes

lineage 2

matrix online

guild wars.


and none of them stack up to wow in terms of how easy it is to start up, how easy it is to understand the game and how good the user interface is.


IMHO wether you play 2 hours of AA, 2 hours of BF and 2 hours of quake3, or play 6 hours of wow does it really matter?

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