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Contest X800xl Drawing


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I don't need an x800xl, but I just wanted to say that you ROCK urvaius!!!


This is a completely awesome thing to do! Even though I'm not joining the contest, I thank you for doing something so cool for the OCC community. cheers!

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Thanks verran. I'v built 4 systems for peaple this last month and made a little money. I owe alot of my motiviation to the community.


I just received my Nvidia 7800gt in the mail. I'll be installing that tonite. I havent had a nvidia card since my ti4200 hope it is sweet. I hear good things about it. I could not justify buying the gtx though...

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I just got my 7800GT too and I love it. I think you'll be very happy with yours. Out of curiosity, what brand did you get? Mine's an evga, which I had never bought from before, but so far I'm very happy with it.



Also, this isn't my contest so this is only a request, but I'd really like to only see people enter this drawing if they plan to put this card in a gaming rig and really use it. I too would love a free video card, and I'd probably even find a use for it, but not in my main rig, and I would MUCH rather see it go to someone who will consider it a real upgrade. It would really suck to see someone win this and just jam it into a server or folding box, IMO. x800xl is a great card and I hope whoever wins it really gets something out of it.

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I just got my 7800GT too and I love it.  I think you'll be very happy with yours.  Out of curiosity, what brand did you get?  Mine's an evga, which I had never bought from before, but so far I'm very happy with it.



I bought the xfx becaust it came with call of duty 2 and was 329 after rebate

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Thanks verran. I'v built 4 systems for peaple this last month and made a little money. I owe alot of my motiviation to the community.


I just received my Nvidia 7800gt in the mail. I'll be installing that tonite. I havent had a nvidia card since my ti4200 hope it is sweet. I hear good things about it. I could not justify buying the gtx though...


i hear ya. The gtx is really only for people who HAVE to have the best and/or has money to throw around. Whenever a new series is released, it's usually the card a step-down from the top that's the best value.

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