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I Got A Free 6600 Card

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Well anyway I was going to the local Computer Market and I was so excited on puchasing my

XP-90 and a Tornado 92mm and after I finished buying it I couldn't wait to take it home and throw it on and then I noticed this stall with the man not looking after it and I saw in the corner a XFX 6600 256mb unattended to. So the satan inside of me was thinking if I didn't take it I'd be the stupidest person ever and it was there sitting, waiting for someone to notice it and take it. In a leap of glory I slowly moved to it and pretended to look at it, then when the close was clear I placed it in my bag and slowly walked away.


when I got outside I knew this counted as 40 sins already and that It wasn't good, just wanted to ask what you guys would do in this situation?


EDIT: Ah crap can someone move this to miscellanous? I accidently didnt notice :( crap sorry

Edited by sasybotnoodlehead

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Your one doosh bag, Since you probably can't deal with your own consequences I bet you won't give it back, and you'l burn in hell. If you really wanted to redeem yourself you would take it back and confess, the next best thing would be to write an anonymous note on it and drop it in there store where only a store salesman would find it. Including the time you stole it etc. I can guaranty you that when it was reported stolen they got on camera and forwarded it to the police. Everyone makes mistakes, but it takes a good person to make up for them...... :bah:



At least if someone else stole it then it wouldn't be on your concience. And I doubt anyone else would have.

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Well anyway I was going to the local Computer Market and I was so excited on puchasing my

XP-90 and a Tornado 92mm and after I finished buying it I couldn't wait to take it home and throw it on and then I noticed this stall with the man not looking after it and I saw in the corner a XFX 6600 256mb unattended to. So the satan inside of me was thinking if I didn't take it I'd be the stupidest person ever and it was there sitting, waiting for someone to notice it and take it. In a leap of glory I slowly moved to it and pretended to look at it, then when the close was clear I placed it in my bag and slowly walked away.


when I got outside I knew this counted as 40 sins already and that It wasn't good, just wanted to ask what you guys would do in this situation?


EDIT: Ah crap can someone move this to miscellanous? I accidently didnt notice  :(  crap sorry




well i agree with this except i have never stolen anything before and i am 34--not old but not a kid either

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in the 19 years of my life i have been extremly tempted sometimes to dom something like that. but have never had the audacity to go forth with it and steal. you need to take that back and say i have no clue wtf i was thinking and tell them that you are on anti-depression medicion and that your mom told you to take it back. they wont call the cops and you'll just never be able to shop there again

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he stole it and he's never giving it back, he has no intention of doing so.....ITS ALREADY IN HIS SIGNATURE !!


you even said:

"So the satan inside of me was thinking if I didn't take it I'd be the stupidest person ever"


i'm sorry but the stupidest people ever are in jail for doing stupid things just like that. the stupid steal. the genius would have been able to talk him into accepting what you just bought as fair trade for the card. therefore getting the card and getting it for "a steal"



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You suck. The card was not free, it was stolen. You stole from the store. You are a thief. :angry2: Does that make you happy?


The store (or the store owner) now has to absorb the cost of a video card, and believe me, cost on a video card is NOT $10 like everyone seems to think.

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