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It's not that we're breaking up, it's just that I'm feeling almost like we're falling away from each other in some things that we were close in before...











And also, the anti-depressents I'm on work, and I havn't really thought about suicide for quite some time. And each time my mom finds out that I'm depressed or thought about suicide, she yells at me, calls me an attention whore, and tells me to deal with it... which surprisingly has worked...

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You love someone, they love you, and you've being together for almost a year... but you're starting to feel like you've having trouble relating to them... even though it was never an issue before.





And you can't imagine life without them...

Move on. Thats what you do. Then grow up. I, as well as many others are getting very tired of your "Personal problem" posts. But that aside...


My father and my sister have aspergers and if anything it has made them more socially closed up and shut off then any normal person. I would seek proffesional help, becuase thats what you need. If you are having these kind of problems at thirteen I can only imagine how bad you're going to make your life when you're older. Please. Take these issues to a doctor.



And did you know that a common side effect of anti-depressants is suicidal thoughts and tendincies? I have heard lots of stories about people who went on anti-depressants and then their thoughts about suicide just got worse and ended up killing themselves. I would get a second opinion from a different doctor about your "anti-depressants".

Edited by andrusk

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Really, none of us are pushing you away, but that would be the best choice... it's too early to think about girls... they're icky and they've got cooties... that's what my mommy tells me! ;) Just relax and go with the flow; what happens happens and there will be much better people. What do you think your chances are, seriously, of staying with this girl for the rest of your life... No permanent solutions to temporary problems...

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Aaaaah 14 huh? Let me remember my highschool days... And my advice is: if you are getting poon--stay and take advantage of it, if not, move on buddy. You high school days are too short to waste on a failing/confused relationship. Get out while you can and find a better girl, dont wither away with this one and regret it later. "Can't live without"--please, shows you are too inexperienced man, and too needy.

I can tell this is some smart advice to take... :lol: really it is :blink:

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Wait for it! Wait for it!!!!!


*Yawn* yet another teenager having a crisis and while I am one this has gotten a bit bloody old. Tip 1 dating in highschool (which you aren't) is like trading baseball cards when one starts to get one out you trade it for another.

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You love someone, they love you, and you've being together for almost a year... but you're starting to feel like you've having trouble relating to them... even though it was never an issue before.





And you can't imagine life without them...

hey there you got it confussed buddy it's when you can relate to them your screwed :lol:

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You love someone, they love you, and you've being together for almost a year... but you're starting to feel like you've having trouble relating to them... even though it was never an issue before.





And you can't imagine life without them...

I dont have that problem no one would love a face like this :(

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