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Crazy story


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Wow what a disturbingly sick woman!! Good for Gonzalez's defense attorney coming through with the alibi evidence I feel bad that he'll have to live with the mistrust from future clients.


It's sickening how much of a double standard of power woman have in the courtroom these days

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Actually I think if the terrorists read some of the news articles like this one and ones similar, they'd probably stop terrorizing us and figure we're doing a good enough job of that ourselves and they would simply go and enjoy their own kool-aid.

If I'm reading/watching news it is science/technology/gaming news or to see if the world has blown up yet. Honestly, I think it would take the world exploding (I mean Alderaan explosion, not just nuclear war) to get some actual news and reporting out of the larger news organizations anymore. Seriously, I don't care about the Casey Anthony trial, or Blagojevich, or high speed chases. 24/7 news and commentary I think has done more damage to journalism than good.

Returning to the topic of the thread, I'm not a politician so I wouldn't care how stupid I'd look, I'd prosecute the woman for wasting so much time and money. Either she lied or she didn't, and either way, justice is served. If she lied, she's punished. If she didn't lie then the second investigation may lead to the actual criminal, who can then be prosecuted and imprisoned.

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i'm happy to see that he was proven innocent.


I cant believe that actually happened. It was like almost like a script out a hollywood movie. If done tastefully and with sensitivity it could actually make a decent movie / csi episode

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It's sickening how much of a double standard of power woman have in the courtroom these days

You're sure on point there.

I've seen this first hand. A married friend who had a particularly volatile relationship with his wife when they were in their 20s. One time he pushed her down because she wouldn't let him leave the house during an argument. She called the local police and he was arrested for 3rd degree battery - domestic abuse. He was convicted of the misdemeanor (first offense and no bodily harm) and spent three days in jail.


About three years later they got into an argument and she tried to stab him with a knife. Their son got the knife away before she actually stuck him. Again the police were called, she was arrested, but the prosecuting attorney wouldn't prosecute her, even with ample evidence and eye witnesses that she would have stabbed him if the son hadn't gotten the knife away from her.

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That guy's going to carry that stigma for the rest of his life, and will never be repaid for the jail time


Exactly. What the hell is wrong with that woman?

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What really surprises me is how his case was handled to begin with. He was pretty much treated as if he was guilty until proven innocent with the only evidence being one woman's testimony. Had he not had an alibi based on receipts he would probably still be in jail.


I also find it odd that the court could give him a declaration of factual innocence yet not prove that the woman made up the story, even though she said definitively that it was Gonzalez, and not another man. The hospital also found no internal damage done to her. Perhaps they should have examined her brain.

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