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NVIDIA to kill GTX-series?


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I never called anyone stupid, not did i say think they are, lol



Any ATI user who bought an additional Nvidia card to use PhysX no longer can.


Again, where are these users at? I sure would like to know why they are brought up so often when nobody can show me a single person who is stcuk in this boat.


So your solution to something partially working is to shut it down completely, because that's totally better than leaving a half operating unit in its state? You're right, let's kill all the crippled and mentally disabled; after all, if it's not working 100%, by your logic, it's best to end it.


This is absolutely not my logic, i dont work for them, and i didnt suggest it. You are getting confused.


But i have seen how drivers are released to fix issues, and sometimes they cant fix all related issues. I have seen many times situations where users had to use older drivers because of known issues. Have you not ever had to use an older driver because of whatever reason. All older drivers are still available for download for these cases. Nvidia hasnt removed their older drivers, anyone can get still get them. It is a very common and well known fact that PC users sometimes have to use older drivers for many many numbers of reasons. I see this as normal, and in any other case, its no big deal, but now somehow someway these dreamed up ppl who bought nvida physX cards and ATI GPUs are so retarded they cant figure out how to accomplish one of the oldest issues know to 3d gaming.

Tell me you have never rolled back or used an older driver even when a new one was released.


I dont think its as simple as you make it. I think you are saying nvidia took a swing at ATI owners who bought their card. But the thats not true at all. If Nvidia wanted to completely stop this, they could do a lot more to make it happen. They have the older drivers still on their website on top of the fact that they allow you to update the physX driver separately. I cant see them taking a great effort against anyone.


The fact that you compared nvidias driver updates to killing crippled and mentally disabled ppl is disturbing. But thats all on you. You really reaching far far out there, trying hard to make this something much more then it is.


You keep talking about how AMD/ATI is sitting back doing nothing, waiting for others to battle it out, when they're the only ones who have so far released a new generation GPU? We're still waiting for Nvidia or Intel; they're the ones who aren't putting out anything new at the moment.


Maybe you missed the part about fusion. I love the 5870 series, but ATI was on that route without AMD. Once they were a greater company that was being followed. AMD is now playing catch up, and they could be giving that company gift to ATI. I love AMD, but common, intel is well ahead of them, not just in power but in innovation. AMD may get hyper-threading by 2012, need i say more?


I just want to let you know, the only thing people are pissed off about is how Nvidia killed the ability for their cards to work as an independent PPU, and how they faked a card without letting people know so. But besides that, the products that they do put out are quality and provide some damn good competition; no one is arguing that.


I hate the fact that the nvidia driver stopped official support for an nvidia ppu with an ati GPU present. But i dont see anyone who cant make this happen, or anyone who is currently invested in this kinda setup and SOL. I think its being dramatized to a great extent. I cant believe you compaired it to killing old ppl, lol!!!!!!




do you guys hate me?

should i leave the OCC?

I really dont mean sound hurtful, i apologize, dont think i think i am above, i am just debating from the far side. Sometimes it gets rather boring reading the same ole same ole, post link as proof, regurgitated crap. I know i am not right, not 100%. But neither is any arguing back. You can not be without being the very ppl who are really behind these companies. I am bringing up some things maybe not everyone has thought about. Thats all, just food for thought.

So dont think i have anything against anyone here, but if you want i can make a poll. should i leave or not leave, cause i really do got a lot of places to be, you know!

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do you guys hate me?



What we do hate is the random stuff you make up to back up assertions that make no sense. You constantly state your opinion as fact and then get offended and write long rambling posts whenever people point out that you're wrong.


If you're going to be taken seriously you need to be concise and you cannot create facts to back yourself up. Not only is it insulting when you do so (and then insinuate that everyone else is wrong) but it makes your arguments that much less credible.



In terms of the topic at hand - THE OLDER DRIVERS DO NOT WORK WITH NEWER GAMES. The whole reason people are getting frustrated with you is that you pass that off as something that doesn't matter. nVidia actively stopped people from using nVidia cards as PhysX accelerators in their newer drivers. Those newer drivers are required for newer games. You can't call the people who "can't get it working" stupid or ignorant because short of hacking the drivers (which is a temporary fix) nVidia has absolutely crippled those peoples' systems.


Anyway, I'm done arguing with you. It's frustrating and annoying to argue with someone who absolutely refuses to even consider that their position may not be correct. I'm sorry if that comes off harsh but that's how I see it.



/very drunk post

Edited by Waco

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do you guys hate me?

should i leave the OCC?

I really dont mean sound hurtful, i apologize, dont think i think i am above, i am just debating from the far side. Sometimes it gets rather boring reading the same ole same ole, post link as proof, regurgitated crap. I know i am not right, not 100%. But neither is any arguing back. You can not be without being the very ppl who are really behind these companies. I am bringing up some things maybe not everyone has thought about. Thats all, just food for thought.

So dont think i have anything against anyone here, but if you want i can make a poll. should i leave or not leave, cause i really do got a lot of places to be, you know!

nah u shouldnt leave everyone has there own thoughts and opinions, someones always going to think theres is right, and there will sometimes even be people to agree with you. and i dont hate you if it makes a difference

Edited by actionstan

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the poll thing was a joke!


@ wako ---I dont make things up and post them as fact! If you think me sharing ideas is that, i am sorry for you. But everything i post is just as truthful as ppl making up stuff like ATI users with nvidia PhysX cards being SOL. Where are they at? I could easily say the same about the other side of the argument, thats a given, and it is shared by many. But if I just repeated everything i heard then i would be no more interesting then the same ole regurgitated bull. While i see where everyone is coming from, i also see them skew facts and make up stuff, but for real, no joke, i am not making up the fact that you cant show me one person who bought a physX card with ATI who cant get it working. I think its easy to point fingers at others, but i challenged you all as proof of my point. If thats not enough proof for everyone to know that it is all BS then i dont know what is. If you cant show me these ppl, then i can tell you its bull!!


The thing about me is i dont read one article and share all it says as fact. I am all over the place because really if you dont want to have tunnel vision, you must be. Its not that simple, its never that simple. And more often then not we see ppl blaming Nvidia for not sharing physX with ATI. I am probably the only person you know blaming ATI. But it is just as much their fault, you can say that much at least, cant you? I am blaming ATI because there is already enough ppl against Nvidia for this its not even funny. I can tell you this all day, but you think i am making it up? Do you think ATI didnt turn down PhysX offers? Do i have to post links to articles for everything i say. Then we can be all mindless and let the reporters do the thinking for us. If they didnt say it, its not made up? The thing about americans (which i am) that really saddens me is the mindless ways of letting media control our thinking. And what is not popular isnt right? Well there are many articles that say ATI was offered PhysX, and many that say they didnt take the offer. But there are little article saying that thats the reason why ATI doesnt run physX. Instead you read Nvidia wants to keep it for themselves and wont give it away to ATI as an open standard.


I dont make things up, its out there. i have a much broader view. I usually stay on the opposite side strongly in an argument, especially when everyone else is on the other side just as strong. I hope to meet in the middle. i usually take the unpopular view. But when you are speaking of views then facts are involved.......



Articles are full of opinions based of facts, adopted by many. Too many ppl dont think for themselves anymore. I am shedding light on facts commonly overlooked. Articles have to be a good beefy story to be read, everyone wants to have somekinda interesting scoop. But if you add the fact that nvidia invested mega $$$ into physX and ATI turned down Nvidias offer to them and want it for free instead, you just dont have as good of a story now do you? Its not interesting enough that way.


But i swear i dont mean to make anyone mad, i am not trying to put ppl down, or hurt anyones feelings. I dont get heated, i just enjoy writing. I am not ever upset, i know what i am getting into when i step in. I dont want to make anyone else upset either. please understand me.....





Background on me---> (off topic)---------> ----(read at your own discretion)------->

Edited by ocre

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I am not making up the fact that you cant show me one person who bought a physX card with ATI who cant get it working. I think its easy to point fingers at others, but i challenged you all as proof of my point. If thats not enough proof for everyone to know that it is all BS then i dont know what is. If you cant show me these ppl, then i can tell you its bull!!

You can say it's bull if you want but it doesn't make you any more correct. :shrug:



Hypothetical situation 1:

I buy an 8800GT to run PhysX. I install the newest drivers. I can't use it for PhysX.


Hypothetical situation 2:

I buy an 8800GT to run PhysX. I install the older drivers. I can't play newer games properly.


Hypothetical situation 3:

I buy an 8800GT to run PhysX. I install the newest drivers and hack them to work. I can't update without waiting for another hack to come out.



Every case above would be solved by nVidia not actively blocking the use of an nVidia card as a PhysX accelerator. It's not a case of "wanting PhysX for free because I have an ATI card." It's wanting the nVidia card I bought to work without pointless interference because someone decided that "unsupported" means "actively block this configuration."



I'm not going to break down the rest of your post and point out the other obvious problems.

Edited by Waco

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