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The truth is another lie!!!

thats what my sig says, and what that means is: just about everything you read is a warped truth, most all history is a made up version of what really happened. That the civil war wasnt to free slaves, that operation Iraqy freedom will go down as a war to save the ppl from iraq from a mad man. We all know thats not true, well i hope we all know. And i am not at all into conspiracies theories, those ppl are psychotic!!!! But i am a free thinker, I take everything with a grain of salt. I was a very brilliant student in collage, i loved all the sciences. Then i realized that there were so many conflicting theories, that when you want to prove something scientific, you only need find proof for your theory, that all things that dont line up are completely thrown out, that was hard for me to accept. But its everywhere, its how we do things. Its kinda like "which truth ?"instead of the truth. I can go on and on, but if you dont get it from what i wrote, then its too far from your way of thinking. We adopt views instead of formulate them. And from the start we are raised in a world of false truths. One of the greatest gifts that man has is his ability to make believe and it become real. I site extreme cults as a basis but it doesnt end there we all have a touch of this in our life.


I am not angry because of this ideology, i may be the only person who shares it. You may call me delusional, but the world is much bigger then us and there are many many who see americans as crazy. I see us all in mankind as delusional, and i am fascinated by it, its amassing. Thousands of yrs from now ppl will look back at our time and say similar things as we do to the ancient civilizations today. They will see our delusions and make it sound as a primitive way of thinking. It hasnt stopped, we still live in a fantasy land in our head. Just the ones that stand out are singled out. Its all good when we share the popular delusion, then no one stands out.


I am sorry to go stray, i love to right. I just think maybe you should know me better, so as not to think i have anything against anyone. trust me i know i am crazy, but i think all the time. about everything all an once. I know i am wrong, and i know everyone else is too, at least about something. but it shouldnt make anyone angry, in the grand scheme its all effed up


so maybe this could shed light on me self,

I want everyone to know i dont have anything against anyone, I love ideas, and i love writing, i am all over the place because thats how i think. Its all connected, and it is all related. And you ultimately can have one without the other. But i am a ppl person, and i cant tell you enough that i dont get mad and i dont mean to offend anyone in my post. I see many things existing at one time in every circumstance , its really hard for me to single out on thing and focus without seeing all other things involved. I can tell you that many things co exist, there is really no defined wrong or right, its just who its aiding at the time.


So i admit i am crazy, what can you all say about it, or yourself?

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That the civil war wasnt to free slaves.


Actually it wasn't! In fact in 1864 Abraham Lincoln offered to reinstate slavery if the Confederacy would just come back to the Union. The Civil War was fought over "many" reasons and yes slavery was one of them, but it was not the main reason nor the only reason.

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Im going to take an example from previous threads/posts of yours.


ATI/Nvidia are not conspiracy hoax's, they are business! That is why some people (i wont say who) can get frustrated when you "think" they work this way or that way. If you love to write, fine but don't over analyze something that isn't meant to be a "theory". It is what it is!


I like writing to man, not putting you down but maybe your ideas can be much more beneficial to more relevant topics which suit you writing needs and styles.

Edited by damian

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You are as entitled to your opinions just as much as everyone else whether I agree with them or not.
That is my philosophy, I may dislike some one... I may even HATE someone but I will NEVER in my life tell someone what they can or can not say.



Everyone has an opinion that they are entitled to speak no matter how radical or simplistic.

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