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hi everybody just about to buy some gtx280 but cant deside which to go with msi or asus any body got any feed back on them

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The GTX 280 is not a good buy right now considering the new GTX 285 is only like $30-$40 cheaper. And you only get like 10-20 more fps in most games over the 260 core 216 anyway. IMHO get the XFX Geforce 260 Black Edition, the egg has it for $274 before mail in rebates.

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Assuming the cards are identical, go for either the cheaper one, one that offers any extras, or one that has the best warranty policy.


i bought an asus motherboard one time, it was open box and may have been an isolated experience...but it turned out to be faulty (computer system would freeze up)...


replaced the asus motherboard with an msi later on (after using a borrowed motherboard for awhile) and have no doubt after all this but to blame the asus product.


this is all the experience i have with asus or msi and have never used either of their video cards, but i recommend msi all the way as a result of having superb experience with this motherboard...


i would trust an msi video card over asus :)

Open box products are not guaranteed to work, blame the previous owner not the company.

Edited by damian

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also, though they can sometimes be misleading, reading reviews can be helpful...especially with computer related components...


tiger direct and comp usa were putting up some really good reviews on youtube not too long ago, perhaps they still are...you might wanna check that out.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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don't get 280s and don't run Tri SLI both types of investments are very poor ones...

get one 295 or two core 216 260s. I mean look at my 260 I bet I could give a 280 a good smack around


oh and I guess pick whichever is cheaper. I've never owned MSI stuff but I've owned Asus stuff and they are ok not the greatest but not the worst. They've all served me well (motherboards and video card)

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Assuming the cards are identical, go for either the cheaper one, one that offers any extras, or one that has the best warranty policy.


They're the same. They're basically the same products with different names on them. Both are good brands so just ignore the brand name. Shop by price or clock speed or included games or whatever is most important to you.


Open box products are not guaranteed to work, blame the previous owner not the company.

Agreed. Having a problem with an "open box" product is a lousy reason to dislike a company.

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Black Edition 260 for $152* (after rebate AND shipping) $182 up front

Here's the regular 260 from XFX for the same $152 but you don't have to wait for rebates.


I'd say get the black edition and do the rebate! That's the best deal out for a 260


Ebay also has the XFX stock 260 for $249.99 flat : 1st 2nd 3rd

there are 5 listed but I didn't want to confuse you because for some reason the lister put the picture of the black edition. though the model number is that of the normal 260


though you couldn't SLI, i also recommend the 4870 1GB's they are really nice for the money

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