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Guest InFeKtioN


Here I am about 12 hours later and still cant get WarRock to run right. It looks like all of the patches have been downloaded and applied, but whenever I go to connect to one of their servers I get a "disconnected from server" error message.


I'll play around with it a little bit more tonight, but honestly, any game I have to spend 3 or more hours trying to get it to run doesn't bode well for that game staying on my computer.


Also, don't like the fact that it doesn't natively support higher wide screen resolutions.



I also have downloaded WarRock .... and can not get it to run.


Installed it, and thats as far as I can get. The launcher starts then tells me that in cannot find file vr.zip or it freezes. I assume it is looking for files on a server.

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It's a valid question that doesn't break any rules... so it get's it's own thread... :-)

Because under your name it states you cannot READ THE RULES (hint hint)

that has nothing to do with you, I misread something before and it was a joke intended for Angry... I can read the rules...


My favorite game is CS:S at the moment. closely followed by WoW


I don' see anyone on CS at all from DIY... anyone play anymore... and what WoW servers are you guys/girls playing on? I'm on Medivh... but haven't played in a little while... not since I finally got CS:S

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Kranky maybe needs to step out of this thread


I don't see a single illegal thing being discussed here.


I apologize to any members who are affected by it. I'll close the other thread and you can continue to discuss how to spot cheaters in online games without fear of mod retribution (as long as you stay within the rules, and I don't see any rule violations here)

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Before i do.....


Although i appriciate it when travis say's sorry to all of you for me, but first things first.


Asking on how to indentify cheaters could have let to explaining maby in some way the cheating procces, on wich i asked to pick another subject.


I have interpeted the rules wrong in this case and would like to have the opportunity to say sorry myself when i make an mistake.


I'm woman enough to own my mistakes :)


So for everyone i have mistreated and or offended:


I am sorry did yall bad and hope you wont mind me beeing in this thread, if you do just let know:)

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Before i do.....


Although i appriciate it when travis say's sorry to all of you for me, but first things first.


Asking on how to indentify cheaters could have let to explaining maby in some way the cheating procces, on wich i asked to pick another subject.


I have interpeted the rules wrong in this case and would like to have the opportunity to say sorry myself when i make an mistake.


I'm woman enough to own my mistakes :)


So for everyone i have mistreated and or offended:


I am sorry did yall bad and hope you wont mind me beeing in this thread, if you do just let know:)


Accepted :-) sorry I probably overreacted, I do that sometimes :-P


You said your fave game was WoW... what server do you play on?

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At least I got to use my police chase .gif so it was OK by me. This site has always had a decent balance of moderation and allowance for fun.


How to identify a cheater. Anybody that is able to kill me repetitively without me killing him once must be cheating. But seriously, if you suspect someone of cheating and it's pretty obvious you have to bring them to the attention of the site admin so they can take a look.


Cheaters have taken much of the fun out of BF2 for me. I tend to stick to 16 man servers these days, the admins usually play and with such small teams a cheater will stand out. Only drawback is it takes forever to progress through ranks and it is tough to earn medals.

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I stick to the 16-20 man servers anyway, I hate waiting several minutes for a new round to start cause some dude is camping with an AMP... I don't mind people using it, I just hate that I'm not good enough to not get owned by anyone using it, lol


I do like the votekick and voteban procedure though... if enough of you think someones cheating, they're gone :-)

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Accepted :-) sorry I probably overreacted, I do that sometimes :-P


You said your fave game was WoW... what server do you play on?



got a 58 dwarf , hunter overthere,.....awesome dude, even if i say so myself

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i generally avoid multiplayer games unless they are co-op because I got tired of cheaters and 14 year olds that tell me 132 different ways to shag my mother...


lmao thats so true :tooth: i give as good as i get and if it to annoyin i play sumthing else

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ahhh...pggghhhheeewwwweeeyyyy... Alliance... :-P


I'm only at 32 I think... Undead Warrior, yet I suck at tanking... he looks cool as hell though...


And which server would that be? love to play sometime with ya:)

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