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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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Installed 32bit Vista. Did all stuff pll suggested in here but no go. What worked for me was removing all partitions from RAID and RAID itself. I tried with the raid but Vista seen it as 2 single drives and when rebooted system saw it as a RAID and said no OS installed. Using it now and so far so good.

EDIT: How do I remove that uselles message pooping up everytime I want to do something or program need access.

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OK curious here once i make partions with partion magic , will i get like a boot choice menu right after post screen?


The boot choice is created by the os in this caser vista. Like xp64 b4 it the install detects an earlier install & edits the Boot.ini to add the choice.


Creating a new partition does just creater a new partition. You can also use xp disk manager to create partitions, most hd manufacturers have utilities that u can download & use advantage over partition magic is - they r free :nod:


luck :)

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Actually Vista doesn't use boot. ini, look for it in system properties under advanced and startup options, you won't find it. This is my boot.ini:



;Warning: Boot.ini is used on Windows XP and earlier operating systems.

;Warning: Use BCDEDIT.exe to modify Windows Vista boot options.


[boot loader]



[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)WINDOWS="Windows XP Media Center Edition" /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN /FASTDETECT

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN /FASTDETECT

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Well, so far, I haven't had any errors on me yet. The x86 install was a bit more responsive as compared the x86_64 one which I thought was just dog with the slow startup. Seems that this thing really loves a big HDD (at least SATA2 and NCQ), dual core and as well as the latest chipset.


Gaming was no problems. The only gripe is that some games doesn't work unless you get the patch to make them work under Dx10. Looks like something was missing from Dx9 in order ot make this happen. Wonder why...


Anyway, I think I might keep this one as the primary OS until the real Vista comes out. Why not XP? Well, the XP one seems a step back. Plus the features in Vista is growing on me even though it's a beta...

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Not sure if other download locations/methods are legal, but google is your friend, bud. Microsoft was contemplating a BitTorrent release, but canned it for security reasons, supposedly.

I am also getting kind of bored with XP and media center, since I've been playing with Vista. I am still keeping XP for encoding videos and gaming. I've started using Vista as soon as the first builds were available through msdn, and I am actually quite pleased with the stability and features of this build. I can't wait for RC1.

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I'm thinking of ditching Vista and going back to XP Home (Lost my Pro CD), at least until there are better drivers for it and games run better in it. But has anyone played anything on Vista? I haven't been able to, but has anyone? Is it better or worse than than on XP??




I've played Day Of Defeat: Source and HL2-Episode 1 so far, both run with no graphical corruption, but performance is clearly reduced. It is edging towards unplayable on a 32player dod:s server, @ 1280x1024 4xAA 8xAF HDR on, where on xp it wouldn't be. HL2-Episode 1 stutters when new scripted sequences are loaded etc, could be better, could be worse though. All graphical effects work as expected. The forceware drivers that we have at the moment just need some work. I can't even change gamma, which I need to do with this crappy CRT monitor in order to be able to see in all of dod:s dark corners.


I didn't end up having to install any of the drivers that are in the nforcex86 platform driver package, perhaps I should have lol *shrugs*


I notice one of you has a "My Network Places" icon or similar on your desktop. How did you do that! I need to upload some screenies to my ftp.


I tried tweaking services.msc following www.tweakvista.com but the tweaks are aimed at beta 1 and after performing them all, I lost my network connection and antivirus would no longer load. System restore sorted it.


Only other problems I've had is performance rating tool complaining about netbios.sys causing windows to be slow at bootup. Havent sorted that out yet.


Check out the vids on channel9, it's got the microsoft developers talking about their particular projects in some detail, helps with starting to learn your way around all the new features. The new user interface is the proverbial tip of the iceberg. It's even got one with bill gates himself :)http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=14&TagID=9


Oh yeah, once activated beta2 is valid until June 2007 - whoever asked :)

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I tried tweaking services.msc following www.tweakvista.com but the tweaks are aimed at beta 1 and after performing them all, I lost my network connection and antivirus would no longer load. System restore sorted it.



Some of the services mentioned there, are essential and should only be disabled as a per user preference, as it states at the bottom of each "important" tweak. I only disabled what I was 100% sure about, and since this is so new, I highly doubt you knew the repocussions of each tweak, not to question your general knowledge, or intelligence. I am very confident about my skills, but I don't know everything about Vista and have made some mistakes myself.

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Some of the services mentioned there, are essential and should only be disabled as a per user preference, as it states at the bottom of each "important" tweak. I only disabled what I was 100% sure about, and since this is so new, I highly doubt you knew the repocussions of each tweak, not to question your general knowledge, or intelligence. I am very confident about my skills, but I don't know everything about Vista and have made some mistakes myself.


Nope, don't have a clue lol. Well the ones that I'd used for XPsp2 seemed safe enough, the others I wasn't sure about, but thought what the hell tweakxp has never let me down before. Some of the services I disabled required other services to be disabled at the same time, which I did and then lost my net upon reboot.


1st Vista x64 Beta 2 entry in the OCDB :)




w00t, nice one :) did you have to install any of the drivers from the beta2 nforce platform driver pack sound9x?

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Quick list of my favorite tweaks


Enable "real" Vista bootscreen ;)




Slim window borders down




Old style File menu




Hint: Press Alt when browsing a folder to pop the old style File menu and again to remove it again, without using the tweak.


Launch Flip 3D Alt+Tab Replacement




Disable Network Printer Search




Disable Welcome Center




Speed up Start Menu Search




Create a Shortcut for Flip 3D




Tweak User Account Protection



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