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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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I don't think it's so much that we've forgotten, but the times that we live in now. We are certainly capable of doing what we used to do, it just simply isn't needed. Of course any one of us would freak out if dropped in the middle of the woods or desert and were told see ya in a week or two (if you can survive). We adapt...or die. Mother nature will determine the playing field and always will...


We're just little ants running around in circles till the end of our time comes, be it natural causes or by the hand of another...searching for meaning and purpose when there really isn't one. We simply exist...


Just be happy that you are alive and try not to muck things up for others while you're here :)

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momma been bugging me this year to go camping and I agree...we need to do more stuff


just like we plan on taking ballroom dancing lessons and the DFI-Street trip to Vegas etc



lol maybe you could do some figure skating with her seeing as your always on the ice.

Five minutes before a hockey game you could dance and twirl her about a bit.


But I dont see you being able to walk after that game, not after being watched prancing about the ice by a group of toothless men with sticks...ouch

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haha actually I myself plan to take figure skating lessons


almost every pro hockey player and coach I have ever talked to said they took figure skating lessons as a kid and it is the biggest thing that improved their hockey game because of how it teaches you to learn your 'edges' (ie the edges of your ice skate blades and how they interact with the ice surface)


I am beyond caring that anyone might think it is 'gay' to ballroom dance or figure skate or like certain types of music or sit and watch a chick-flick with momma etc


I do what I think is fun, and if figure skating helps me play hockey better, then that is what I am gonna do, and momma will too since she wants to learn how to skate and play hockey with me (so we can both be on the same league co-ed team)

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I see what you're getting at with this getting outside thing, but I find I just don't have the energy to do it.


A year ago I used to be really fit, went skating most days (and was good), but in the past 10 months or so I just haven't managed to do it. As a result, I'm much less fit, though I'm not fat or anything.


These past months I've had all my end of high-school exams, which determine whether I go to the university I want to or not, and hence I have been working my butt off and don't get the time to get out, and when I do I'm too tired. So after I finish working, I usually just check out forums and play video games.


After this week, I finish for the summer, but then as soon as I start university next year, I fear things will get even worse, as I'm going to Cambridge where I think I'll have to work way harder than I do now, and I hear that because the terms are short (3x8weeks), you have to spend your holidays figuring out what you learnt in term-time, so I wouldn't be able to catch up then.

(sorry for the horribly long sentence)


I hate not being fit, and not getting out enough.

What do you suggest I do in order for me to get out more and get fitter again?

Cutting down on work is not an option; I enjoy my subject, but I need to work hard at it.

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as i stated, enough about religion


your post was deleted for this reason and so was this one


move on


this is not a religious debate thread and I am sorry it ever turned into that for you




It was fundamental properties of the universe, not religion, but consider it dropped.

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Don't sell us too short on our survival instincts and abilities.


After having survived Katrina and the aftermath, I can honestly say that I was very proud of the majority of people in this area. There were a few numb-nuts that chose poorly, but they've been dealt with through the criminal justice system so far.


A planet wide disaster would do much to "thin the heard" so to speak but I have faith that we would do well and make the best of things.


I think you'd find that the survivors would migrate right back to the places that were most populated at the turn of the 19th century. We'd have to be close to the natural resources since travel would be the first casualty of regression.


I was lucky enough to have parents and an extended family that gave me the skills necessary to survive on my own if I had too.


Plus, it helps to be the best armed individual in your group. LOL

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I hate not being fit, and not getting out enough.

What do you suggest I do in order for me to get out more and get fitter again?

Cutting down on work is not an option; I enjoy my subject, but I need to work hard at it.


it always amazes me that people say they don't have time to do physical activity....or any activity.


You aren't the president of USA with a 19 hour per day schedule that is made out 2 years in advance lol


everyone has time to do 15 minutes...30 minutes...60 minutes of exercise EVERY DAY.


if you have to go to bed 1 hour earlier to wake up 1 hour earlier to get 30 minutes of exercise in, then that is what you do.


I've realized that after 10+ years of being a lazy bastard that I only have myself to blame, and thinking back on all of my excuses...is just stupid...they were stupid...i always told myself i had more important things to do but I didn't really...physical well-being is extremely important and I can't believe I forgot how awesome I feel after throwing down on 1 hour of ice hockey, or 30 minutes of batting practice in the batting cage, or 30 minutes of just walking around the neighborhood holding momma's hand, etc.


It's a great feeling to exercise...maybe not at first cuz it hurts being lazy...but after a week or two, you realize why kids have so much fun (because they are always exercising even if they just call it playing!)

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there's only really one thing more enjoyable than eating and that is .


personally I find eating to be a serious part of my life and I love love love food...


not so much that I forsake it above all other things (sorta like junkies do with their dope lol)

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Peole should eat to live not live to eat.

Unless you're from South Louisiana! LOL


Eating is such a huge part of the culture that it's impossible to avoid.


It was amazing, as soon as breakfast was done, my Mom would start working on lunch and dinner(or as we called them dinner and supper, it's a French/Cajun thing). She'd go to church on Saturday evening so she'd have time Sunday morning to have a meal on the table when we got back from church.


Whole weekends were planned around food. Hunting, fishing or culling on Friday and or Saturday then cooking and eating on Sunday.


Literally, we'd slaughter the hogs on Saturday then have a big roast over an open oak fire( cochon de' lait) on Sunday. Same for cows, chickens, turkeys or what every we had.


We'd head to the hunting and fishing camp on Friday evening and return Sunday morning with the kill/catch and start cooking. Could be something as simple as frying catfish or as elaborate as an alligator/turtle etoufee' (ay-too-fay).


The other big thing for us Boomers is the fact that our parents always made us "clean your plate) with visions of starving kids in China or some exotic place. Guilt is a powerfull tool. To this day I have to manage my portions on my plate because without thinking I will eat every last morsel of food.

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