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Lewis Black does all kinds of awesome rants


his best one is about how americans are the biggest bunch of jerks on the planet...we are the only country that goes around pushing it in everyone's face that we are 'the greatest country on earth'




its true too...except for actually being the greatest country on earth (I'm afraid that if we don't change and change soon, we'll all look back at this as being the twilight of America's power and the beginning of the decline as no country respects us anymore...maybe us as people still, but defintely not our government...and with Europe moving quickly to unite finally after thousand plus years of war, and China becoming the top economic and manufacturing power on the planet...I already can imagine the future history books and what they might say)


Well china is also a polluted dump, they have some major issues there. I think the key to America's economic stability should be investing in energy efficiency. America will not pollute the earth, they can become a world leader in producing energy effcient products. Some legislation should be passed that require every house to have one windmill and one solar panel, and collect everyone's neighborhood on a grid, imagine the energy savings! I do wish America were smarter sometimes, some things that the government doesn't do just doesn't make sense. There should be a common sense party. Now I admit this post probably has to do with nothing, but this thread is just a nothing thread anyways. Why are governments so stupid sometimes? I want better choices!

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America will not pollute the earth


except we are the worst polluters


25% of all the pollution on the planet comes from the good ol' US of A


they can become a world leader in producing energy effcient products


we could...be we will continue to rely on oil and someone else (probably Japan) will come up with a better solution and then we'll be a has-been (we are already on Has-Been Blvd for about a decade now)


Some legislation should be passed that require every house to have one windmill and one solar panel, and collect everyone's neighborhood on a grid, imagine the energy savings!


while I wholeheartedly agree...good luck with that dream (though we both and many others share it)


money is what drives this country...and the corporations are where the money comes from.


If you think a corporation like Exxon that made a NINE BILLION DOLLAR PROFIT IN A SINGLE QUARTER is going to roll over and let us pansy little solar energy jerks take away even a dime from them (because if we allow that solar thing to happen, or wind power, then we will start demanding more and more hybrid cars and eventually a clean break from oil/gas dependence), you better think again.


There's nothing I would like to see more than a collective America kick the oil companies so hard in the jewels that the oil companies fall to their knees puking their guts up...but it will never happen.


Why are governments so stupid sometimes? I want better choices!


2-part answer here


1. governments are so stupid because like any long-term empire, the government always moves away from what the people want, to what the individuals of the government want.


Especially when you have government legislators that have been multi-term incumbents who have a solid and concrete power base. These people are only interested in themselves and their lobby interests, not in you or I.


2. you have choices...but you (and the rest of america) keeps voting for the same old crap.


if you want a new government for the people, then we need to rise up with our voting power and eliminate all incumbents in office and start fresh...a bloodless revolution powered by american votes.


ie: the will of the people


but guess what....the will of the people is 'keep the status quo' and that is what will continue to happen.


Everyone keeps believing in republican and democrat polarizing issues like gay marriage, global warming, terror, abortion, etc...instead of believing in what the country was founded on by our very very wise (and yet very conservative!) founding fathers:




ie: our founding fathers were quite conservative, but they were collectively liberal when it came to self-government (meaning people electing people to govern them)


why is the Constitution so liberal?


it's for a reason


they intended it to be liberal and interpreted liberally.


If they intended Abortion or gay marriage or spying on your own citizens to be true issues with hard laws against, it would be in the constitution. I'm not buying anyone that says those things were not valid back then, because in a sense, they are valid and they ARE covered by the constition:


freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from persecution...those are all covered in our bill of rights, as is our right to not have the government spy on us without our knowledge.


I'm a pretty conservative guy, don't get me wrong. I may seem to some of you like a liberal tree hugger, but in reality I'm not even close to that.


I just have a lot of common sense...and common sense tells me that things like gasoline/oil dependence is bad, slowly chiseling away at our civil rights in the name of fighting terror is bad, corporations getting all the power while individual citizens are getting less and less is bad, acting like gays getting married is more important than our falling test scores is bad, trying to get a nation to believe more in the bible and less in real science is bad...


you know...common sense...not too many people seem to have it these days...

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I saw this show from a link one of my friends gave me about hydrogen power. There are people all over the US currently developing water based hydrogen power systems. The basic theory is that they break water into its hydrogen and oxygen components and the hydrogen burns while the oxygen allows it to combust (so it would work even in a no oxygen environment like space). It showed some examples of these machines. All of them ran at greater than 100% efficiency as well (meaning they put out more energy than it took to run them), some of the water based ones were reported to be 800-900% efficient O_O. They looked very neat!


The sad thing is that they also talked about how the inventors were being either bought off or having their lives threatened or their patents stolen, etc. AG speaks the truth... the oil companies make far too much money and have far too powerful an influence (because of the money) to let any other form of energy become our primary fuel source (especially if its water because then you could just go to the nearest river, use a home distiller, and fill up ROFL!). As long as the oil companies have oil to pander, we won't see any real improvement in our power and fuel needs.

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I saw this show from a link one of my friends gave me about hydrogen power. There are people all over the US currently developing water based hydrogen power systems. The basic theory is that they break water into its hydrogen and oxygen components and the hydrogen burns while the oxygen allows it to combust (so it would work even in a no oxygen environment like space). It showed some examples of these machines. All of them ran at greater than 100% efficiency as well (meaning they put out more energy than it took to run them), some of the water based ones were reported to be 800-900% efficient O_O. They looked very neat!


The sad thing is that they also talked about how the inventors were being either bought off or having their lives threatened or their patents stolen, etc. AG speaks the truth... the oil companies make far too much money and have far too powerful an influence (because of the money) to let any other form of energy become our primary fuel source (especially if its water because then you could just go to the nearest river, use a home distiller, and fill up ROFL!). As long as the oil companies have oil to pander, we won't see any real improvement in our power and fuel needs.





keep in mind that the engines and combustion chambers etc themselves are quite efficient...but it still costs more to actually make the base fuel than is efficient...ie it still requires something like more in the cost of gasoline or other fossile fuels to make the hydrogen stuff...so there's no real reason to change yet (because you don't want something that creates pollution to manafacture just to get rid of pollution lol...thats like a double-negative or something)

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The US might consume 25% of the total energy used on the planet but produces more goods per unit of energy consumed than any other country on the planet.


The US produces less environmental pollution per capita than the citizens of 60% of the other developed nations.


The US is fourth in CO2 production per capita after China, India and Russia.


Lots of excellent source material can be found here...



BTW The US does not produce 25% of the pollution in the world. Must have been that energy consumption number that got mixed up.


OK class! Your reading assignment today is The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World by Bjørn Lomborg...


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A good source of information, because if somebody feels so overwhelmed by how well the US is doing in this aspect (the only reason for my sarcasm is the fact that the US is the richest country in the world and therefore has the potential for great things) the "The 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)" could be of interest: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0930889.html


I'm not hunting you Exroadie, but sometimes your use of statistics worries me. I link a previous post I made with some other statistics which very much contradict what you're saying. Each one can for himself evaluate how trustworthy the source is: http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...9&postcount=113

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The US might consume 25% of the total energy used on the planet but produces more goods per unit of energy consumed than any other country on the planet.


The US produces less environmental pollution per capita than the citizens of 60% of the other developed nations.


The US is fourth in CO2 production per capita after China, India and Russia.


Lots of excellent source material can be found here...



BTW The US does not produce 25% of the pollution in the world. Must have been that energy consumption number that got mixed up.


OK class! Your reading assignment today is The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World by Bjørn Lomborg...


well you know


anyone can produce 'facts'


look at Swiftech when they claim they are the best watercooling


then look at DD when they claim it


then TT


then Corsair


they all claim to be the best and they all show graphs and charts that show them to be the best


your source of material might be ok for you, but it isn't acceptable for many of us (just as our source isn't acceptable to you)


so please beware of showing a link on the internet and stating that your link is full of 100% accurate facts because you think it is


because it isn't


if you choose to not accept this then you are no better than I or anyone else that believes differently than you do.

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I'm not hunting you Exroadie, but sometimes your use of statistics worries me. I link a previous post I made with some other statistics which very much contradict what you're saying.


this is exactly what I am saying. Roadie is a conservative republican who believes in the republican system and Bush and all the antics that 50% of the country don't believe in, and when he makes a statement, it is always presented as facts that are true and everyone else's are bs


I on the other hand, am not affiliated with anything but I suppose I would be considered a liberal democrat and so my views are with the other 50% of the country, and my 'facts' are always a lot different as are my statistics than his.


I'm guilty of what i just accused him of, but at the same time, I at least own up to the fact that I realize that 50% of us believe one thing and have our 'facts' to support it, and 50% of us believe something else and have their own facts to suppost their views.




this is the problem with our country at the moment is if you don't like something, you go out and get your 'facts' to support your argument and then the other side does and then it's a tug of war as to who's facts are the correct facts etc...instead of fixing the problem, we and those of us who cannot even imagine that our 'facts' might be fiction squabble over who's right instead of fixing the problem...finding the solution.



In the meantime, pollution rages on (if you can't understand that pollution and reliance on oil is a huge problem, you've obviously never been to a big city in America because I can hit just about any big city and see a smog layer over the city...and anyone that tries to tell me that this is tinfoil hat or there's no problem and it isn't affecting health...I think you've already breathed in too much of that pollution and it is not allowing enough oxygen into your brain).


The major problem is that guys like Roadie believe in the republic system of big business should be allowed to conduct business without government interference and red tape.


And that is fine and dandy to a point


until the point where big business lobbies or makes their own rules to bypass government regulations they deem 'nonsense' and 'too restrictive'


then they end up doing as they please and hurting citizens because money is all-important and gov't should not stick their noses in it.


Well...I believe that if we don't protect ourselves from not only our government, but from big business, we end up with pollution filled cities, waste dumps, etc.


And before you try to say it is our fault for using buying the products that promote toxic waste, pollution, etc, keep in mind who pays the advertising costs on the radio, tv, magazines, newspapers, etc...advertising that only tells you how much you NEED this product, how GREAT this product is, how you won't be as cool as the other dads on the block without this product...you got to HAVE this product...that's big business whoring themselves on you to where you have to buy it, and then big business stops making safe, economical products because they've created such a demand for useless, pollution creating monsters.


We need government to keep big business in check


but we need our own citizens to keep the government in check


right now, both are pretty much running rampant and wild like Romans at the orgy after everyone got drunk.

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HG and I have a long running debate about such issues so this is just another in our ongoing series

I'm guilty of what i just accused him of, but at the same time, I at least own up to the fact that I realize that 50% of us believe one thing and have our 'facts' to support it, and 50% of us believe something else and have their own facts to support their views.
so please beware of showing a link on the Internet and stating that your link is full of 100% accurate facts because you think it is because it isn't if you choose to not accept this then you are no better than I or anyone else that believes differently than you do.

Ah, a contradiction conundrum! What makes your facts any more relevant or true than mine? Anyone that's followed my posts know that I go to great lengths to vet my sources.


I hate bad information and data as much as the next guy. Peer Review is a great tool in making sure the facts are true to the best of my ability. Have I been led down the primrose path in the past? Yes! I really thought the Koreans had found a way to clone humans. But so did most of the world.


HG and I are a couple of guys that have a difference in philosophy. HG looks at the US of A and sees everything that's wrong. I look at America and see great opportunity and freedom given with responsibility.


Let me just say in my own defense that I do my best to present an opposing view when statements like: "we are the worst polluters 25% of all the pollution on the planet comes from the good ol' US of A" are posted.

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