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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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im being made redundant at the end of feb


Will i find the right job to start after i finish here, or will i be unemployed for a few months?



That's up to you....


"The only difference between rich people and poor people...Is the Appication of know how"

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That's up to you....


"The only difference between rich people and poor people...Is the Appication of know how"

Oh yes, is that a quotation of the shamelessly rich Duke of “I thought this was Buckingham Palace”, who’s heritage goes back to some infamous slaughterer titled general, with his chest full of medals weighing more than an Oldsmobile from the 50’s, who gained riches on the expense of some unfortunate exotic country? :nod:

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Why did the friggin fuser assembly on our friggin $1,500 HP LaserJet 4250tn fail 3 friggin weeks after the friggin 1 year warrenty expired? And why is a new friggin fuser friggin $304? I have the old friggin one in my friggin hand at the moment and it does not look like 304 friggin dollars.



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Hrm, how many *(Critical) protiens are you missing from a balanced *(health)diet if you are a true vegetarian ? (My sister has been one for a long time now) (and yes I had tofu at the chineese resturant at lunch)


If you know what to eat it's pretty easy to have just as healthy a diet as we meat eaters do. Rice and beans is a perfect protein as is tofu and a few other grain based vegetarian/vegan foodstuffs. I was a vegetarian for about 10yrs. Then I realised that until the human species actually treats itself better than we do at present we really have no use in putting farm bred animals above ourselves.


Why are more furry critters sacrificed to the combines blades during a grain harvest than all the hunters can kill and yet laws are passed to prevent he hunters from feeding themselves under the guise of the practice being cruel and wanton ? Don't Rabbits, quail, foxes, coyotes (debatable), mice, skunks, possums, Raccoons count ? *(cause last timeI looked the stats of per acre carnage was pretty high.)


I grew up on farms, no way are that many animals killed. I've driven combine and grain trucks and can count on 2 hands how many animals got caught up in the combine over 20yrs, not to mention having to clean up the mess and dump whatever grain was in the hopper. Farmers loose money if animals get caught up in the combine as they have to dump what has been collected in the hopper due to blood/tissue contamination. A Farmer is going to hit the brakes rather than get any animal caught up in the machinery.

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up to me in that i can take a job i dont want that doesnt fill my career needs and aspirations but whats the points


however not up to me given my criteria it may take a while to find the right job



Yes...up to you.....


The quality of job you get or the place you work depends on you.....how you ask?


I'll you....


It's up to you to research the field you have chosen....narrow that down to the companies you'd like to work for....NOT the one that will hire you because you need a job....


Then you set a goal to get a job with the companies....Then you apply yourself.....when you interview you convince them how there company would be better with you onboard....then you hound the hell out of them till they give you a job.....mostly to get you from annoying them further....


It's all application..... you have to make them think..."hey this person really want this job.....if he/she fights this much for a job here....they will fight this hard for the company and maybe the next big asset.....(hopefully not minus the et)


they want to know your determinded.....


people who submit resumes and then not propely follow up on them....well they get the average pay jobs......your after the good paying one right...?

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ah bowtie i see your point, let me explain my problem in more depth.


I have chosen and am in a profession


i know i wanna work for a top international company (as i curerently do) preferably with a good reputation and product as its a good cv builder (sony microsoft and alike).


This is not my first job.


The main issues are as follows


The agent sends my CV to a company and then sells me to be interviewed the problem is im 25 and they see this as a problem.


For example the job im currently doing was previously done by a 33 yr old and when he progressed i was hired (although before they interviewed me they thought i was too young, once id been interviewed i beat the 6 other candiates in the final stage and got the job)


so i cant control this, once ive got an interview and my foot in the door id agree thats where i take over.


my CV is very well prepared the agents obviously think im good for these roles, i am professionally qualified (just did it quicker than most)

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Well your on the right track....Now it's all about building your reputation.....it's not how young or how old you are it's how "qualified" you are......


And that only becomes a problem when you obtain "over qualified" status.....which is a very nice way of saying...you're too old and we'ed have to pay you more than we are willing....which is why we are hiring the 25 year old for half pay.....


The main thing is....demand a "fair" pay for "fair" work.....don't get greedy and expct top dollar... at this day and age it's dog eat dog....There is no such thing as loyalty in this day and age....just when you think your "settled in" you may be one the outside looking in....


Once you get where you want to be in a job... you want to make them keep you around....They are ony going to do so as long as you are profitable to them....All you are is a number too them....a bottom dollar....sad to say but true....but you also want to make sure the place you work has room for you to grow....advancement is good....


Well enough of all this....


if we keep on AG and momma will bash our heads (atleast mine)from stealing there thunder....sorry didn't mean to butt in here.....

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