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DFI Expert CPU temp sensor reporting incorrectly?

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Hope I didn't come across as chastising you as that wasn't my intention.


But yes, CBID P-state has been discussed here, XS, i4memory, planetAMD64, anandtech and I'm sure a few others. All had huge expectations for the board and many of us expected perfection. Some posters in this thread even have issues with the standard LanParty series. So something is amiss or escaping the correct diagnosis for sure.

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I think my cpu temp senser is fairly accurate. I when my cpu is idle it is the same temp as the probe taped to the bottom of my res, which would be the ambient temp inside my case. And at idle there's no reason why my wc setup can't cool my cpu to ambient

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This thread is becoming like the one about Asus A8N sli and going above 245 htt with memories at 1T,with everyone waiting to a bios that solve the problem,forget it...live with it(i live)

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This thread is becoming like the one about Asus A8N sli and going above 245 htt with memories at 1T,with everyone waiting to a bios that solve the problem,forget it...live with it(i live)


In fact and bluntly I live peacefully with it. On the other hand, I'll think twice before buying a mobo which can't even read temps at least almost accurately.

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Hi guys...


This thread got me worried, as I just configured a new system with the Expert mobo. Thought I had everything running smooth... followed all the guides around here, and have had stable memtest86+ runs (6+ hours) and Prime95 Tourture runs (5+ hours). For the Prime95 I was using SmartGardian to watch the temps... never got more than +6 degress from boot temps so I thought I was good. Then I read this thread and did some more checking.


I don't have access to the separate temp sensors, but I found some odd dispartities between these three programs... Everest / SiSoft Sandra / SmartGardian. See results below.


Looks to me that the numbers they are reporting are the same, but they are reporting for all different sensors??? Mayhap that is the "real" issue here? Which sensor (and with which reporting app) should we "trust"?


I have not planned to do a lot of overclocking with this rig.. just want to play games (Oblivion runs silky with this baby). But I also don't want this thing melting down on me! This is the first rig I have built in 5 years. Can someone list what temp range is a "good rule of thumb" to keep the components at?


Also, my BIOS readings are (didn't have a camera to get a snap of them, but wrote them down):


CPU Core - 30

PWM - 40

Chipset - 49


BIOS I'm runinng is 12/07/05 - have not flashed it.




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Reading this thread and the fact that I'm overclocking my system made me wonder...

SO, I tried an experiment.

I figured that if I set my CPU to the lowest draw that I could, it's temp should be close to the temp of my water cooling.

I set my CPU for 400 MHz (100 MHz bus (needed nTune for this), 4x multiplier) and set the CPU voltage back to stock. Then I measured the water temp using a digital probe taped to the outlet tubing just past the CPU water block and checked the CPU temp using MBM5.

Water Temp: 31C

CPU Reported Temp: toggling 22/23C.

My question: at this low a wattage (17.6 watts according to a calculator that I found) and with my Danger Den cooling circulating fast (the TDX Brass Top + New D5 pump) is my offset about 8-9C or do I need to include an additional factor for thermal gradient?



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I like your approach to the question.

Love to see you on the 04/06 Official Bios and then calibrate the temp offset in system health and see some default and load temps as well.


Prostock has a good point (as always) about TIM Break, but yes certaining a good starting point and nice testing procedure

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I have a temp probe taped to the bottom of my res and when my cpu is idle it shows about 1-2 degrees warmer than my temp probe.

I'd tape it to the outlet hose of the last water block in your system or the output of the CPU water block depending on what you want to monitor. There will be a temperature difference between your res and your water blocks.

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I'd tape it to the outlet hose of the last water block in your system or the output of the CPU water block depending on what you want to monitor. There will be a temperature difference between your res and your water blocks.



that is a good idea. I may do that as I'm getting rid of my res and I'll have to redo my loop to include a T line. I should also be getting an opty 165 today so I'll throw that in sometime soon as well.

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Ok. I updated the BIOS and collected some info.


From my other post, my idea is that if I change the CPU settings so that it is running so slowly that it generating almost no heat, then we can compare it's temperature to the temperature of the water at the exit of my water cooling system to get an idea of how far it's off.


I taped a digital temperature probe to the exit hose at my CPU water block. I have Danger Den water cooling with the TDX water block, D5 pump, and Xtreme II radiator (I plan to add video blocks when I get a little more $$ :)). The fans are on the CPU controller set at 25 off/45 full on.


"Low Watt: auto volts, 100 MHz FSB, Multiplier 4 (a 4800+ @400 MHz :))"

auto: CPU: 20, Exit water: 30

+10 (the max): CPU: 30/31, Exit water: 30


Based on this, auto for the temperature offset in the bios is wrong for my MB. It's the same as 0 and is off by at least 10c.

To me, the +10c (the max) readings are somewhat reasonable and I left the BIOS there.


And, you asked for more?

"Normal: auto everything"

Idle: CPU: 32, Exit water: 30

20 minutes of "Prime": CPU: 38/39, Exit water: 30 (cooling fan on radiator hardly running)


"Overclocked: 231 MHz FSB, CPU 1.35v * 116.8%"

Idle: CPU: 34/35, Exit water: 30

50 minutes of "Prime": CPU: 46, Exit water: 33 (cooling fan cycling heavily and mostly on)

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