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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Should receive my 144 s939 Opteron (OSA144BNBOX) on friday. Does anyone know what stepping CPU is in that inbox version? :rolleyes:


I've got DFI SLI-DR and OCZ GOLD PC3200 modules already waiting for my baby :nod:


I've seen that most of the users with Opties use TCCD memorychips as they can reach high frequencies....BUT... if I can get my BH5 dies run at 245MHz 2-2-2-5-1T and Opty (let's say) 9*310MHz ;) and use a proper divider, is there a significant bandwidth loss compared to e.g. running any TCCD memory 1:1 (loosed timings e.g: 2.5-3-3-7-1T) with Opty 9*310MHz?

I hope U got the point :) I would appreciate it if someone would guide me in this matter.


Anyway, I will surely post my results here after getting my system into one piece :nod:


Cheers :cool:

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you wont find out the stepping by the box number (there all the same) also, were you are getting it from?

if you hit 9x310 you will be lucky, only the early cabne's have managed to hit these speeds and most of the 144's available ATM are cabges which take alot of voltage just to get 9x300 (not prime stable)

as for your ddr, i personally wont use pc3200 for big overclocks as i dont like using big dividers

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I'm using the 618 bios without problems. Anyways getting tired of my 57-ish load temps i decided to whip out the razor and cut off the ihs. Cleaned it and the core, added some arctic ceramique instead of the stock crap and put the IHS back on. Since i'm too much of a chicken to risk my opty with my cnsp 9500 which weighs a ton i wanted to see if even something as simple as this made a difference.

My load temps are now 48-50.. thats almost a 10C drop just by replacing the paste.. the ihs is still there protecting the core, insane. Don't know what they did during the manufacturing of these optys but placing those intergrated heatsinks sure was a shoddy job.


very nice, i wonder if in general the thermal paste is the key issue and not so much the ihs.


also, if ive been understanding correctly the higher temps of these opterons is acceptable and within their operation limit. so you dont need to treat it like a athalon and keep the load temps under 50 for stability or longevity.


but im sure it wouldnt hurt either :P

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you wont find out the stepping by the box number (there all the same) also, were you are getting it from?

if you hit 9x310 you will be lucky, only the early cabne's have managed to hit these speeds and most of the 144's available ATM are cabges which take alot of voltage just to get 9x300 (not prime stable)

as for your ddr, i personally wont use pc3200 for big overclocks as i dont like using big dividers


From Germany i think...the seller didn't specify this :rolleyes:


Why don't U like big dividers :confused: ...there is a certain loss in perforamnce then? Could U explain this to me :nod:

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ive used dividers few times before and after alot of testing found i actually lost alot performance, dont loose as much on a64's but i just dont like using big dividers, i always try & keep it 1:1 but im fussy lol.

if you got your cpu from a german guy on the famous auction site then its a CABGE as i had a 144 off him ;)

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Anyone here with a Dual Core Opteron? I've got my Opty 170 and wanna know which bios best suits me


Not too many around, so it's hard to say. We would love to know how it does!

Please keep us posted.




Yeah please keep us posted as to your results :)

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Guest laydback

Here is my initials results after about an hour of playing with settings. Gonna Prime tonight. Any suggestions on settings?



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This is my Miss CABNE:




I don't have Windows on that box so no flashy CPUzs. But for 36 hours now it does constant consistency-checking benchmarking at 2.9 GHz at stock voltage (which seems to be 1.4 V).


SLI-DR, Geil One TCCD 290 MHz 3-4-4-8, Zalman 400 B, Big Typhoon.

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