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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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i am going to use a divider, i dont plan to oc my memory at all


i wanna run 300x8 with a 3/2 divider to keep memory at 200


i have read these need 2.8volt to get the 2-2-2-5 timings though, is this correct

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:eek2: i definately thought that razor was too deep and you sliced a pack or two.


what bios is working best with these opterons?



quite a few people are suing the 714 (i think) and the 623

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I'm using the 618 bios without problems. Anyways getting tired of my 57-ish load temps i decided to whip out the razor and cut off the ihs. Cleaned it and the core, added some arctic ceramique instead of the stock crap and put the IHS back on. Since i'm too much of a chicken to risk my opty with my cnsp 9500 which weighs a ton i wanted to see if even something as simple as this made a difference.

My load temps are now 48-50.. thats almost a 10C drop just by replacing the paste.. the ihs is still there protecting the core, insane. Don't know what they did during the manufacturing of these optys but placing those intergrated heatsinks sure was a shoddy job.

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I'm using the 618 bios without problems. Anyways getting tired of my 57-ish load temps i decided to whip out the razor and cut off the ihs. Cleaned it and the core, added some arctic ceramique instead of the stock crap and put the IHS back on. Since i'm too much of a chicken to risk my opty with my cnsp 9500 which weighs a ton i wanted to see if even something as simple as this made a difference.

My load temps are now 48-50.. thats almost a 10C drop just by replacing the paste.. the ihs is still there protecting the core, insane. Don't know what they did during the manufacturing of these optys but placing those intergrated heatsinks sure was a shoddy job.



HHHMMM interesting.. might give this a go

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