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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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What cooler are you using?



I'm kind of surprised by how well everyone seems to be clocking on lower voltages. I'm running just about 2.8 GHz even and I've got the voltage up to 1.5V. Is that too high?


1.5v at 2.8 is kind of high i say,.. my opty can do 2.8 at 1.4v

what are your idle/load/ambient temps and type of cooling?

I'm currently stable at 347x9 1.450+109%

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1.5v at 2.8 is kind of high i say,.. my opty can do 2.8 at 1.4v

what are your idle/load/ambient temps and type of cooling?

I'm currently stable at 347x9 1.450+109%


I don't know exact because the temp range varies by several degrees depending on ambient. It's roughly low 30s idle and not more than 50 full load. I have no case right now. The furnace is normally kept at 69F but it may vary from room to room. I use the stock cooler with a 90mm fan placed on top of it, which lowers temps by roughly 10C.


I guess I could at least try it on 1.4V. I think I raised it up to hit 2.9 GHz but couldn't get stable.

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juvenile2k i was actually responding to General Septem's question on his overclock settings. but i think your chip will do 3GHz with 1.5v+


Ahh, my mistake. Ya I just havent wanted or felt the need to push it to that, yet. 2.85 ghz is eating games alive and im having a hard time meriting pushing the vcore way up for 150 mhz. My temps stay below 50C full load for the most part and really want to keep them around there.

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Well i found this thread after i got bored and nothing to do at work... Nice to see other folk are into the opterons :)


My friends locally and some online are like "Why go opteron?" and i tell em that some folk have hit the 3ghz barrier with a 144, they go slack-jawed and laugh, Ah well. See my sig for what other hardware i'm running with it. Works great so far at 100% stock.


Going to go out now and cash the paycheck and run down to fry's and see what kind of sales they have on modern psu's 600w+ so i can do some overclocking with this thing.


My opteron's model, stepping, week:




Got from 'the egg' for about $78. Works great, seems to be running everything faster than my p4 @ 3.0 for windows.


Anyone know anything about this stepping, this week? I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere. Also what about the 185? 2.6ghz dual core opterons at 939? Anyone know if they'll work with my dfi board?


Really have no idea how to overclock with these dfi boards, i tried upping FSB mhz slightly, and it seemed to push over the mhz for all devices, including the pci-based SIL3114 raid controller, and the OS wouldn't boot :(


Did screw with the ram.. slightly, turns out this corsair will run fine, clocked to 1.5 Cas Latency. :)

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Anyone know anything about this stepping, this week? I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere. Also what about the 185? 2.6ghz dual core opterons at 939? Anyone know if they'll work with my dfi board?


It'll work, but get a 165 instead. Unless you get a bad stepping it'll easily clock to 2.6 GHz and more, and for a lot cheaper. Other than the multiplier it's the same processor, only $150 instead of $800.


You do have to flash your BIOS to 6/23 or newer to run dual-core.

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But yeah, the 185 isn't really that expensive, it's actually LESS than the FX-60, So, i figure why not? If my board will take it, i think i have to flash it though.


Found a ThermalTake Toughpower 650w at fry's for $159.99, gonna go test it ^^

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My Opty 170 CCBBE 0615EPMW can reach 1600MHz with stock voltage and cooler. Thats good.


My Opty reached only 1650MHz (stock cooler) regardless of the applied voltage (up to 1.65V) or FSB or LDT multiplier... This is due to Core #0 failure in single Prime95 or Orthos. The second core (Core #1) can reach up to 2.8GHz (measured when boot succeeded) with 1.42v. Has anyone seem such an awful Opteron or such a core performance difference? Thats bad, my old Venice reach 2.8GHz easily!

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