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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Just curious, you say you have an Expert and that you'll soon put it into your sig once it's stable. Would you be nice enough to let me know in advance what BIOS your running on your Exeprt please? I also have an Expert and I've trying to learn as much as I can about different Expert BIOS, pros and cons! Thanks


My spec (update with Prime95 Stable 49hrs53mins) :

DFI LANPARTY nF4 Expert SLI-DR - Stock BIOS 12/07/2005


AMD Opteron 175 OSA175DAA6CD CCBWE 0546XPMW 1367286K50181 (Retail-with Fan)


2x1GB OCZ5002048ELGEGXT-K DDR500 EL Gold Ext. XTC


XFX PV-T43G-UDF3 GF 6600GT 256MB GDDR3 Dual-DVI TV PCI-E, Driver: 77.77


Maxtor 160GB SATA-I hdd (6L200M0)


Hitachi 160GB SATA-I hdd (HDS722516VLSA80)




OCZ PowerStream OCZ520ADJ ATX 520W Power Supply - Retail


Thermalright SI-120 + PanaFan 120mm H1B with sensor


Thermaltake Armor VA8000BWS





Genie BIOS Settings:

FSB Bus Frequency - 238

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio - x 4.0

LDT Bus Trnsfer Width - 16 16

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio - x 11.0

PCI eXpress Frequency - 100Mhz


CPU VID StartUp Value - Start Up


CPU VID Control - 1.525v

CPU VID Special Control - Above VID * 102.4%

LDT Voltage Control - 1.40v

Chip Set Voltage Control - 1.72v

DRAM Voltage Control - 2.80v


DRAM Configuration Settings:

DRAM Frequency Set - 233=RAM/FSB: 07/06

Command Per Clock (CPC) - Enable

CAS Latency Control (Tcl) - 3.0

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd) - 04 Bus Clocks

Min RAS# active time (Tras) - 08 Bus Clocks

Row precharge time (Trp) - 03 Bus Clocks

Row Cycle time (Trc) - 12 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc) - 16 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd) - 02 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt) - 03 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref) - 3120 Cycles

Write CAS Latency (Twcl) - Auto

DRAM Bank Interleave - Enabled


DQS Skew Control - Auto

DQS Skew Value - 0

DRAM Drive Strength - Level 7

DRAM Data Drive Strength - Level 2

Max Async Latency - 8.0 Nano Seconds

DRAM Response Time - Normal

Read Preamble Time - 6.0 Nano Seconds

IdleCycle Limit - 128 Cycles

Dynamic Counter - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass - 16 x

Bypass Max - 04 x

32 Byte Granularity - Disable(4 Bursts)





short description:

238x11 @ 2618Mhz, 1.525v + 102.4%

3-4-8-3 @ 2.8v vdimm


However, anyone, what Bios version is Good for Expert with Opty?

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@decptt - So if you test with Prime95 for 24 hours and it fails at 24 hours and 1 minute what does that mean? Stable or not?


I'm just curious as to your opinion.



Uhmmmm I am curious too.




I ran at 10x262 1.525v 102% vdimm 2.8 (1:1) LDT 1.4 Chip 1.72

at 2 x Prime95 (using ram 950MB). One of Primes failed at 28 hrs 14 minutes


What do you think?


if you are a gamer and not run computer more than 8 hours. I think you ran 24 hrs would be enough.


To me, I want to run my computer 24/7, I probably make sure that it could ran Prime95 over 48 hrs for stable [ I think this would be my opinion :) ]


My 3200+, I had tested for 48 hours before I have been using it.

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If the comp ever crashes its not stable!


I like testing for 12 hours, but my currect settings are 22hrs stable :)

Well yes, any type of crash = unstable system... but 22 hours, from what I presume was Prime95, is just nuts!!! :P



Btw, new Opty 175 arrived today... well it was more of me picking it up at PO Box :rolleyes: Going to start messing with it tomorrow (sunday/monday).

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For whom who think 8 hrs stable is enough ;)


My Opty 175 can't be stable after 9th hour. (10x265) in Prime95



Now I am running 262x10 1.525v 102% for 24hrs of Prime95 (each core using 920MB for testing)


If ya wanna test Prime95, I suggest you test it for 24 hrs to make sure that's stable



I got an error after 9th in Prime95 :drool:


So sad that my Opty 175 has poor o/c potential.


I will put my sig after I found the stable rig.


Opty175 + Expert + OCZ DDR500 GXT (2GB) 2.8v 1:1

heheh this reminds me of a guy at XS wondering whether his rig was stable as it failed on 36th hour :shake: :rolleyes:


i've used machines that couldn't pass 1M for months without a single hiccup..........all benchmarks.....like 3D or folding/video encoding/tons of games......never a single issue......so it really depends...some people have lockups even after all the tests that some of you guys suggest....so all this shyte has to stand the test of time before you can say certain tests will mean it's fully stable ;)

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I hope I'm not taking your thread Off Topic Ixtapalapaquetl.


But I hope others see dinos22's point as well.


The stability question is not "how long Prime95 will run". Stability is how well/long your rig runs with complex programs or gaming. Prime95 is certainly a useful tool but it will "Fail" eventually. Everything fails eventually. :D


I don't know what the "elapsed time" record is and frankly I don't think it matters. I DO believe that if you are using the rig during Prime95 it really isn't testing properly. Setting the Priority to "9", as Angry_Games suggests makes the most sense to me. Then let it run.

Sometimes Prime95/OCCT will fail cause you are right on the "brink". A slight increase in voltage, relaxing a single memory timing, or some additional cooling often allows it to pass successfully.


Also pretty sure there are some big differences in the various versions of Prime95. Older versions do seem easier/more likely to pass. I'd love to see Johnny Lee's SP2004 GUI with the latest version of Prime95 P95v2414 and P64v2414 (x64 OS). If I gotta wait for a number of hours I really prefer to see something happening on screen.


Wishing everyone much success with their Stability testing.

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