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Star Wars Kid Sues!

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forget all the talk shows.... just put him on Maury! Man o man

I'd love 2 see that! Then they could have on some other

ppl like goatse and interview him and goatse can talk

about how he deals w/ the publicity....

then have maddox yell at him and put him through boot camp....


(god someone please give me my own show already!)

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I think his parents are retards and he's in the looney bin from bad parenting (his parents telling him how fat he is and so on.). I think if the judge gives the parents anything from this horse crap lawsuit then the judge should pay the fine for being so stupid.

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Guys, this thread is months old. The kid died I believe, please stop posting in this thread.


Or a mod, please close/delete this thread...thanks.

I don't wanna see people making fun of a person who died, thats really not cool.

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,Nov 11 2003, 07:40 PM] What makes you think he's dead I never heard/read anything :blink:



Did anyone watch Leno last night? His obesity joke was hilarious. He started out by first saying "i don't mean to be insensitive"...lol


But anyways, it was something like:


So i'm sure you all heard that they now believe obesity is a disease.


A disease??? Really? (imagine the leno voice and mannerisms here)


Can you imagine calling up your boss and saying, "sorry boss, i can't come in today. I'm too fat."


hahaha :lol:

Edited by ClayMeow

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i cant beleive i see some of what im seeing. the poor kid accidently left a video somewhere, and his jerk "friends" uploaded it to the internet. now millions upon millions of people saw a private video of the kid doing something many of us would die if someone saw us doing likewise (you know you act stupid sometimes in private) and now he is probably the most widely embarrassed person in the history of earth. i think he should get more than that, and go live somewhere by himself where he can live a life of luxury away from other people, cause its pretty obvious his life is ruined for at least a good few more years until this whole thing weeds its way out of people's memories

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Ok it wasnt right that his video was posted on the net. It wasnt right that ppl have no life and devoted websites to him. It wasnt right that ppl didnt leave it alone and made matrix versions of him. It doesnt justify him profiting from it tho. Sure he made an idiot of himself we all have before. Yes it was posted on the net so it makes him look like an even bigger idiot. Take it how u want it cause no one will agree because we all have our own set of morals. Some say its his fault for leaving the tape otherss side with him and blame his classmates. I? I dont care because it doesnt affect me simple as that.

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i cant beleive i see some of what im seeing. the poor kid accidently left a video somewhere, and his jerk "friends" uploaded it to the internet. now millions upon millions of people saw a private video of the kid doing something many of us would die if someone saw us doing likewise (you know you act stupid sometimes in private) and now he is probably the most widely embarrassed person in the history of earth. i think he should get more than that, and go live somewhere by himself where he can live a life of luxury away from other people, cause its pretty obvious his life is ruined for at least a good few more years until this whole thing weeds its way out of people's memories

why are you defending this kid??? geez. It's just like the freakin Paris Hilton . tape goin around. The media is blaming the ones the released it and seem to be ignoring the fact that it wasn't, nor was the star wars kid thing, a voyeur tape. It was taped with their knowledge, and they must face the consequences. There's no point of making a . tape. If you're with someone, then why do you need a tape to show you what the . is like, just go do it. You should be smart enough to realize that crap can come back to bite you in the .. I mean, come on, haven't you seen ROAD TRIP! ;)

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