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Everything posted by Katas

  1. This issue with this is 40% of households don't have broadband in the US. Who knows how many of those that do have broadband are satellite/super slow dsl/verizon mobile customers for their internet. So lets say it's only 10% that have those, that means 50% of households their games. That seems like a potentially huge lose compared to people that will just pirate the game.
  2. I'd definitely go to a dermatologist. They could give something to help with perspiring too much or give you a prescription grade deodorant. I have an issue where 95% of deodorants give me a rash.
  3. One day Google will be our supreme overlords.
  4. Here's a SSD tweak utility for windows. http://www.ocztechnologyforum.com/forum/sh...D-Tweak-Utility http://majorgeeks.com/SSD_Tweaker_d6382.html
  5. I like bluehost.com. Never had any problems with them.
  6. What are you doing when you get that blue screen? From some brief google searches to fix it depends on what is causing it, ie. opening cd drive, starting a program.
  7. For your cores going down to 800 is probably from Cool and Quiet being turned on in bios.
  8. Turn off shadows. The shadows in wow are horribly coded.
  9. Katas

    COD 4/5 help

    This is going to sound weird but the easiest solution is to plug in a microphone. The work around I used was to enable stereo mix in recording. Let us know if that helps.
  10. Looks pretty cool but I don't think I could justify spending $700 on a case.
  11. I have a M16 I'm pretty fond of. Also have a .22 Ruger and a couple of 12 gauge shot guns.
  12. yeah, i use a lot of programs from that site. haven't had any issues with them. a lot are actually pretty useful.
  13. Try using that program I linked. it will give you the error code and file causing the issue. Edit: basically it parses the dump log for you.
  14. http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html Try that program
  15. Would you be willing to sell just the Caldera HD4870X2 coolers? If so how much?
  16. Updated my scores. As good as I can get it. Going out of town for a week so I don't have anymore time to mess with it.
  17. Katas (OCC) - Class B: The Lettuces Phenom II x4 955 DDR3 1600 (1) HD4870X2 Air Cooled Geekbench score: 7345 http://browse.geekbench.ca/geekbench2/view/162780 3dmark01 score: 47881 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=9523595 3dmark06 score: 21958 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm06=11868708 Super Pi Score: 17.503 Cinebench score: 16596 Stock Clock: 3200 Overclock: 3959 (found on Super Pi result) Total: 423,316 *updated*
  18. Katas


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