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Everything posted by Katas

  1. If you host it yourself I'd use http://www.dyndns.com/ or something similar so you can always access the site from outside your home.
  2. You could just do something like answer = [(a + b) / (c- d) * (x^2) / y] pow(answer, 2)
  3. Are you using [ ] in the equation? If so replace it with ( ). The program thinks [ ] is an array, that's where you are probably getting your initialization issue from.
  4. Check out http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cmath/pow/ if you need to do math with power operators. Normally ^ is used for XORing bits. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operators_in_C_and_C%2B%2B About a quarter of the way down the page.
  5. I bought some cables from them a few weeks ago and nothing weird showed on my credit card, though, I used google checkout so they wouldn't have an actual record of my credit card. I try to use google checkout or paypal when I buy stuff online since it seems to be more secure than using the actual company.
  6. The firmware updates are needed because of new copy protection they keep adding to new movies. The larger Blu Ray discs are coming because they need to be able to hold all the data for 4k x 2k resolutions and all the extra crap for 3d.
  7. I've decided to start working on some certs. I figure I'd start with the CompTIA ones since they tend to be more entry level certs, then I'll probably get my MSCE after and then work on Cisco stuff.
  8. You could try using dos box to run the program, I'm not sure if it works on windows 7 but it works on my vista 64 bit.
  9. Use http://www.guru3d.com/category/driversweeper/ to remove whatever video drivers are on your system then download new drivers and install them.
  10. www.dice.com is nothing but technology jobs around the country. It isn't exactly the easiest to navigate but it has a ton of jobs for the tech industry.
  11. If you can wait the Nexus One from google is supposed to be out early this spring. http://www.google.com/phone/
  12. Katas

    Won't boot

    Just curious but does the CD just have a file called windows 7.iso on it or does it show the installation files on it?
  13. I should be able to do summer wars again this year. I wanted to do winter wars but I moved and got a new job and things have just finally settled down.
  14. Aw man, I was expecting headphone deals not earbud deals. I can't stand earbuds.
  15. I'm looking to get into some water cooling. For the most part I have an idea of all the parts I want to get except for the cpu block. I have no idea what would be a good block for my cpu. Any advice would be nice. My cpu is in my sig. Thanks!
  16. I think they should allow people in most games to choose if they want to be male or female. It would probably help draw a larger pool of players and get female gamers to play more types of games. As far as not allowing women to be in combat positions on the front lines I think it's cause men don't want to see women getting shot next to them. It would cause the men to focus on the injured women than the enemy which is just a bad thing. Also, even if women can be as "physically fit" as men they tend to not have as good upper body strength to pull a guy out of danger or back to camp or whatever.
  17. Pretty interesting read. I never realized the thickness of the TIM mattered. Now I know.
  18. I voted google, they may not be evil since their motto is do no evil, but they will be our overlords.
  19. I like Microsoft Security Essentials and SUPERAntiSpyware for free ones.
  20. I had a similar problem a few months back, except my issue came from a failed firmware upgrade. I had to do more or less what AnUnknownSource said, so hopefully that works for you.
  21. A friend showed me this about a week ago. I felt violated after playing it.
  22. I'm sure people that do Auto Cad work, graphic design, and databases wouldn't exactly wanna do their work in the cloud.
  23. This isn't cryptic at all guys. He's looking for wallpaper! /sarcasm
  24. I can't wait for all the snow to go away.
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