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Everything posted by Katas

  1. Katas (OCC) Phenom II x4 955 DDR3 1600 (1) HD4870X2 Air Cooled Geekbench score: 5923 http://browse.geekbench.ca/geekbench2/view/151640 3dmark01 score: 38899 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=9515537 3dmark06 score: 18284 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm06=11609715 Super Pi Score: 21.901 Cinebench score: 13146 Stock Clock: 3211 Overclock: 3211 (found on Super Pi result)
  2. Katas


    From the album: ss

  3. Katas


    From the album: ss

  4. Katas


    From the album: ss

  5. Katas

    sp 81709 - 2.jpg

    From the album: ss

  6. Katas

    cb 81809 - 6.jpg

    From the album: ss

  7. Katas

    score 080109.jpg

    From the album: ss

  8. Katas

    super pi 080109.jpg

    From the album: ss

  9. From the album: ss

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