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Surge Protection; what do you use?


Surge Protection  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you use to protect your PC from surges?

    • Surge Protector
    • UPS
    • I have a whole-house surge protection system
    • I just unplug my PC when it storms
    • I just plug into the wall / power strip & hope for the best!

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This week, for OCC Poll #15, we're asking our members this question: What type of surge protection do you use? Summer is upon us, and along with the hot weather it brings also comes thunderstorms and of course, lightning. Everybody knows that electronics are sensitive to surges, but what does everyone do to protect their precious PC's? The aim of this week's poll is to find out.


Like all OCC Polls, this one will end in one week. (June 17th)


And i'm sure i forgot some option, so if you don't see your option listed, mention it and i'll add it to the poll for you



Last week, we came 3 votes shy of breaking 100 votes (here) hopefully this week's poll will break 100 votes :D



As for me, i just use a $50 Belkin surge protector

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Unfortunately I just plug my PC and most of my other electronics right into a power strip.


I'm going to be very unhappy when they blow due to a power fluctuation, but for now power strips will do...

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I have those surge protectors on most of my rigs. I never shut down because usually when the storm gets bad enough to think about shutting them down I never get but one or two shut off before the power goes out anyway so why bother :lol:

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I've got an Ultra 1000VA UPS. I didn't get it for the battery backup (only lasts a few minutes), but for the auto voltage regulation and surge protection. There's nothing quite like a clean flow of power :thumbs-up:


...And it was only $60 after rebate :D

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I just have reguler power strips and i hope for the best :P, i live in florida and have never had problems with stuff blowing out, only the occational power outage or brownouts. Now i must knock on wood so i dont ginx myself :P


But i might be adding a ups for a couple minutes of time with power for thous small brownouts and power surges :)

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I have 3 UPS units for most of my rigs and networking equipment. Some of my folding only rigs are connected to a surge protector power strip. I've lost 2 motherboards and hard drives on folding-only rigs that weren't protected and I had a UPS unit die due to power surges (but everything connected to it survived). So I voted UPS.

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