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DFI Lanparty S939 NF3 Ultra -TWEAKS

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haha you want to buy my board?


I know the the current LP nf3 ULTRA-D is having problems, so i'm unsure if this would be the best way to go, at this point. I am hoping, however, that DFI will release the rev.b LP nf3 ULTRA-D mobo here in the states.


If not, then i think i might try the EPOX at newg, with the new bios upgrade. Here's a little quote from a user


Good performance, good price, lots of options for overclocking. Since I first bought it, they created a new bios menu with all the new Athlon 64 specific memory settings for memory tweaking of a level previously almost only seen with DFI boards. With the latest bios, every single option you need for overclocking your CPU/memory is in there.


I've read some reviews from hardware sites, and this mobo can reach the DDR600 mark and above, plus OCZ's RAM Booster will work with it.



Honestly tho, i really hope DFI comes out with a rev.b of the LP nf3 ULTRA-D mobo like they did with the LP nf2 400 Ultra rev.b




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I know the the current LP nf3 ULTRA-D is having problems, so i'm unsure if this would be the best way to go, at this point. I am hoping, however, that DFI will release the rev.b LP nf3 ULTRA-D mobo here in the states.


If not, then i think i might try the EPOX at newg, with the new bios upgrade. Here's a little quote from a user


Good performance, good price, lots of options for overclocking. Since I first bought it, they created a new bios menu with all the new Athlon 64 specific memory settings for memory tweaking of a level previously almost only seen with DFI boards. With the latest bios, every single option you need for overclocking your CPU/memory is in there.


I've read some reviews from hardware sites, and this mobo can reach the DDR600 mark and above, plus OCZ's RAM Booster will work with it. Also, 'some' of the 9nda3j/+ have problems with running 1T.



Honestly tho, i really hope DFI comes out with a rev.b of the LP nf3 ULTRA-D mobo like they did with the LP nf2 400 Ultra rev.b





I wouldn't bet on using the booster on this MB. If you search around enough you will see that the booster may kill this board. This board has a 2.8 volt vdimm limit. There is a simple vdimm mod that can be done to this board if need be.

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I had an Epox 9NDA3+ and found it to be an excellent motherboard however Epox was very slow off the mark releasing an X2 bios upgrade. I bought the NF3 Ultra-D and am satisfied with it.


The EPox was nice but had limited voltage options, specifically the Vdimm which was limited to 2.80v. I was able to hit 300HTT with it where I haven't been able to do that with the DFI.


The DFI is better for me as it has the extreme voltage options for overclocking.


If not, then i think i might try the EPOX at newg, with the new bios upgrade. Here's a little quote from a user




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I wouldn't bet on using the booster on this MB. If you search around enough you will see that the booster may kill this board. This board has a 2.8 volt vdimm limit. There is a simple vdimm mod that can be done to this board if need be.


i agree.... i was referring to using the Epox mobo with the Ram Booster if i couldn't get my hands on a LP nf3 Ultra-D

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the only problems that this ultra-d boars has is quality control. some people got lemons and some didnt. But... it does make it hard for me to resell the board.


Yes, I originally bought a NF3 ulta D and got a lemon. I went to save the bios with the stock settings after installing windows and got a nice little gift of a corrupted bios. That is why I now have an Epox. I had an Infinity NF2 that was a gem. I figured why not try the epox.....

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the only problems that this ultra-d boars has is quality control. some people got lemons and some didnt. But... it does make it hard for me to resell the board.
OK, so tell me.... is your mobo a "lemon" ? ....look at my specs, do you think that they would go well with your mobo? I'll be upgrading to a Toledo x2 core, prolly the 3800+ which gives me an 11x multi, which at 2.8ghz core would result in a fsb of around 255mhz, plus 1gig of Redline XP4000. If i decided to go with the NEO2-PLAT w/Ram Booster or the Epox w/vmem mod would one be better than the other, including your LP nf3 Ultra-D? On another note, I've just gotten a Waterchill cooling kit for a partial Christmas present that i will be using.


Also, why do you want to sell your LP nf3 Ultra-D if does perform well? What is your current configuration with this mobo and any performance stats. If possible, could you leave me an IM on a round about price for sale so we could come to a fair and agreed price?




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I wouldn't bet on using the booster on this MB. If you search around enough you will see that the booster may kill this board. This board has a 2.8 volt vdimm limit. There is a simple vdimm mod that can be done to this board if need be.


As of right now newg is totally out of stock on the Epox mobos, which worries me a little b/c i can't find them anywhere now. Besides this issue, how hard is it the do the vmem mod. I have done a vsense mod back in the day with the TBird's core voltage topping out at 1.85v and the default vcore was 1.75v. I used the number 2 pin vsense return circuit and introduced a 47K ohm POT to top the vcore out to 2.1v So i do have modding experience, it's just that I've never messed with the vmem mods. I'm suspecting it's the same type of mod.


Another note, I've read that the new Epox bios, which i quoted in an earlier post, has a lot of nice new options for mem and cpu tweaking. How are those working? I've also read that people with double sided dimms are have trouble making the 1T setting stick. I've read that it turns out to be set at 2T once loaded in windows.



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Two places to look for the vdimm mod:








yup, this is the type of volt mod i have done b4, for my TBird way back when. This is a simple enough volt mod to do. But they were talking about droop factor and i'm still not sure if the pic i linked you to will get me up to at least 3.6vmem for my XP4000 Redline. There are also diferent revisions of the same mobo, rev.1 and rev.2.1



xen--- what are the voltages like on your nf3 Ultra-D mobo?




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yup, this is the type of volt mod i have done b4, for my TBird way back when. This is a simple enough volt mod to do. But they were talking about droop factor and i'm still not sure if the pic i linked you to will get me up to at least 3.6vmem for my XP4000 Redline. There are also diferent revisions of the same mobo, rev.1 and rev.2.1



xen--- what are the voltages like on your nf3 Ultra-D mobo?





That pic is the exact mod I have done on the 9nfa3+ and I have raised the voltage all the way to 3.6 volts.

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my mobo was def not a lemon but... my config happens to avoid alot of problesm people have. I have all pata drives and no sata and neither do i run raid. There are sata problems on some that have been documented with fixes. I dunno if i will sell this board yet as i just just got a good deal an an agp 6800gt that does ultra easy. I was thinking of buying a 7800gt/gtx which caused my intial feelings of sellin this mobo for a pci-e mobo.


MBM tells me 1.46v on cpu, 1.71v on LDT, 2.85 on ram,


I currently have my 3000+ at 2.348mhz using 9x260, and 166 mem divider bringin my cheapo ram to 213mhz-2.5 4 4 8. It does more at tighter timings but im too lazy to tweak it back up to where i usually have it.



edit: holy crap you have alot of info in your sig, mistress. wow heh... gj.

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