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Pimp your "Angry Lab" here!


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http://www.angrygames.com/images/comp_room1.jpg (when it is clean!)


http://www.angrygames.com/pics/room99.jpg (when im busy)


http://www.angrygames.com/pics/messy.jpg (when im CRAZY busy!)




here's the auto repair place in Tampa, FL!



You would think that computer room is clean (picture all the way to the right), but i think you have rat problems bro. Look at it on the carpet next to your chair! :P

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I'm starting to wish that I didn't ever think about the thread because obviously mistakes are not tolerated


It was not a complaint by the way.


After searching I PM'd other mods (Sound) and he thought by workstation I meant modding station, not computer area. He gave it the OK so I started the thread.


Entirely not his fault but it was not because of lazyness that I failed to see this thread... and my vision is 20/20 ;)





Now that my friend is a BAD F#$%in' setup. Good for you, damn two LCD's. drooooooool........

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Happy... That last photo is a radical change from older photos. Looks like you moved from the warehouse to the space age. :D


This photo is old. The monitor has changed, and the Dell you see in the photo has, of course, been replaced with my new DFI build in an Antec case. It’s a small room. To the right and out of the photo are two more computers and a monitor.



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One of the reasons I didn't get the 2407 over the 2 2007s (they cost exactly the same at the time) was because the resolution of the 2407 would cause me to need a super high end graphics card to game... and I can't see myself buying that many graphics cards at $600 a piece. Plus when I get my Xbox 360 I can have it connected to my monitor and still have the funtion of my PC

just curious but how come you dont use the bottom area of the cart for your tower, you want legroom or something lol

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Is anyone else out there a slob, or am I alone in this? :rolleyes:


Did you not see my pics a few posts back? That was on a good day!


OT: I just got an inside line on a federal government .net developers job.... maybe I will be able to afford an LCD after all

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