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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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OldGuy - yeah I've heard bad things about Ntune as well lol....question for ya, where can I find that copy of Smart guardian....I had downloaded one but it doesn't look quite the same...still black background with green text, but it's still a bit different with extra little buttons here and there, was hoping perhaps you had a link instead unless you have it saved on your computer.


The version of smartguardian I'm using came on my LP NF3 754 CD :)


I think yer pretty safe with 1.4 +.20 as being a valid setting.


It's 3:30 in the morning here and I gotta got o work in a couple of hours. Drank a frikkin pot of coffee throughout the afternoon and should have been in bed 5 hours ago :P Time to prime at 2.7g's and see how far she get's ;)

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Hank - Only fan I have connected is the chipset fan....plus I never use Speedfan as it's seemed nothing but a crap program to me in the past, but I thought I'd check it since MBM5 won't work for this new mobo.....hell I can't even figure out where to adjust the fan speeds lol so I don't know if it works at all.


Thanks Nub,


It is not that i want to use SpeedFan permanent only want to adjust some in order to hear some noise reduction in relation with heat.


edit. maybe iam using an old version, i will try 4.24

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You should just invest in a decent fan controller honestly....Sunbeam Rheobus is a good one IMO...you can turn it all the way off unlike some controllers and makes a nice 'click' sound to signify the off, not like thats insanely important, but it's nice :D also is rated to 20w per channel which most controllers I've seen are 15-18w so all in all it's pretty good.


Tim - http://www.dfi.com.tw/Support/Download/dri..._FLAG=A&SITE=US


I found smart guardian there, but it says for Nforce4 chipsets though =/


Isn't it basically a monitoring program? Why would it be solely for nf4?


Hmmm, don't know....just installed it and it's running fine....even showing my CPU Vcore at 1.4 like Ntune does and it's the exact one that OldGuy is sportin so I guess that's the one I've been lookin for :P

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My Mobo crashes + reboots my ram ocz gold vx el pc 4000@ 400Mhz 2,7V

i become it not stable to run please HELP!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

The Ram`s are OK on my K8N Neo2 at all timings



the other components are all ok

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Im still in the learning phase here so bare with me. 280 would be ur fsb, 10 would be ur multiplier and then 166 divider... what are your voltages set at? and would it be safe for me to do an oc like that with a stock BFG 6800ultra? I also ordered a XP90 and im planning on getting a 92mm tornado =) ... think it can be done?

in theory it can be done, every chip reacts differntly together... monitor your temps when overclocked. that is a big thing.


280 is my htt, 234 is my fsb becuase of the divider



on another note, how are the results w/ bh-5 on this board (not including the 2t cmd that most seem to be having an issue wirh)?


well.. my 2x512mb dimms seem to max around [email protected] 2t, and 237 w/ 1t. i wanna get a ocz ddr booster and see what 3.4-3.5+v can do. ;)

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My Mobo crashes + reboots my ram ocz gold vx el pc 4000@ 400Mhz 2,7V

i become it not stable to run please HELP!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

The Ram`s are OK on my K8N Neo2 at all timings



Welcome in the community of DFI's betatester. :(:(

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I'm REALLY going to take AG's advice after all this now. All these issues have really scared me away from getting this board until I can see at least some problems resolved with this board. Hopefully all it'll take is a BIOS update, as i'd hate to see all these early adopters stuck with an earlier revision board that can't be improved. Man that'd be hell.


Lucky for once I wasn't able to get this board yet.


Good luck to all those with issues. I'm sure there are people hard at work trying to fix the problems you're experiencing.



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DeNs man, there is one thing that many of you do not know. AG is one of the most up front dudes with putering that there is. No BS when it is crunch time. None men. None at all. He likes what he does and does it well.


Some may not agree with his methods at all times, but he has the 'user' at heart in every move he makes. That is 'all' users at all times and not a select few who would raise hale and monoplize the situation when in fact they are in a minority.


I find that 99% of the time his information and admonitions to be spot on and that if says that pigeon dips snuff> lift the pigeon's wings and you will find the snuff can.


Rokk on dudes me is:



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DeNs man, there is one thing that many of you do not know. AG is one of the most up front dudes with putering that there is. No BS when it is crunch time. None men. None at all. He likes what he does and does it well.


I can tell you that it isn't hard to notice this. Despite it not being the best for DFI, he even said it himself that it's probably a good idea to wait it out and see how this board goes, rather than jumping in head-first.


However I didn't say I wasn't going to get this board at all - on the contrary. I'd rather see how things pan out in terms of BIOS updates and possibly even board revisions, so it'll give me a few more options. Up until then i'm quite ready to wait a little longer to see these minor setbacks ironed out. I've waited this long for the board, what's 1 month more gonna hurt? ;)


Thanks AG, and thanks Rgone :)



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I'm REALLY going to take AG's advice after all this now. All these issues have really scared me away from getting this board until I can see at least some problems resolved with this board. Hopefully all it'll take is a BIOS update, as i'd hate to see all these early adopters stuck with an earlier revision board that can't be improved. Man that'd be hell.


Lucky for once I wasn't able to get this board yet.


Good luck to all those with issues. I'm sure there are people hard at work trying to fix the problems you're experiencing.




If its something a new BIOS cannot fix, you can be sure people would be demanding a new revision, free.

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in theory it can be done, every chip reacts differntly together... monitor your temps when overclocked. that is a big thing.


280 is my htt, 234 is my fsb becuase of the divider





well.. my 2x512mb dimms seem to max around [email protected] 2t, and 237 w/ 1t. i wanna get a ocz ddr booster and see what 3.4-3.5+v can do. ;)



is that without messing with ur memory timings/vltgs?


on another note, where do you guys get these programs ive seen? Is arctic silver 3 fine or should i get one of the newer ones?

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If its something a new BIOS cannot fix, you can be sure people would be demanding a new revision, free.


Well that'd be a first for me.. but hell, that's damn good service if they do :drool: I would think that it'd be crazy to recall so many motherboards if they did revise it, but who knows. I'd hope you're right if it did happen.



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