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Socket 939 Discussion Thread

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I live in a sparsely populated area... both compared to other provinces in Canada and compared to other places in my province (Nova Scotia) The majority of people in my povince live in areas where highspeed is available, through either 3Mbps dsl or 5Mbps cable.


The worst thing is that I live about 100 metres from where DSL is available locally, and no amount of hassling will convince the phone company to extend their service for me. :(


So I'm stuck with a phoneline/linux box dedicated to internet.

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It's about seeing what kind of real world performance one can expect at stable settings. Not suicide screenies. A math bench of some kind tests cpu/mobo/ram exclusively which to me seems like what people come here for. If I want to talk about oc'ing my 6600, framerates, beta drivers I'd go to a different forum.


We all have dfi boards, 939 chips, and some type of sdram. From that similarity some useful data can be drawn. But we don't have the same video so no real comparisons can be made. All the video bechmarks only demonstrate stability and how big a video card budget the submitter has.


Also people can compare times vs cpu speed and ram settings and know if they have stuff tweaked right. Like if someone has 2-3-3-8 ram, is prime stable, and gets 20s faster than me on 8m superpi at the same cpu speed then maybe I'd want to try their settings or look into what I'm doing wrong. It could help people make ram purchasing decisions or know what settings to use, etc.



There are 3 video benchmarks with scores and Sandra bandwidth, (not about fastest?), but nothing that measures non 3d performance, doesn't make sense IMO.

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people can compare in this thread if they wish, this is the discussion thread. This Database is not about who has the fastest machine (as i said earlier).


it is about being a helping guide to what settings worked for what hardware to get stable.


There are 3 video benchmarks with scores and Sandra bandwidth, (not about fastest?), but nothing that measures non 3d performance, doesn't make sense IMO.


the video benchmarks, as i said earlier, are not to compare to see who has the fastest this or that. The video benchmarks are there purely for stability. I have run into machines that would run 3 of the 5 major benches and not run the other two. I have had rigs do 4 of the 5 (including prime95 working perfect for 12h) but would not complete 3dmark03 or aquamark etc.


when trying to get a machine stable, there's 3 levels


memory stability

cpu stability

3d stability


only having one or two areas stable (pretty easily achievable) is just not as complete as having all 3 areas stable. If you never play a 3d game, it is still a great idea to make sure you are completely stable.


But we don't have the same video so no real comparisons can be made. All the video bechmarks only demonstrate stability and how big a video card budget the submitter has.


if you are reading into it that way, you are incorrect. Video card doesn't matter. I don't always have my best vid cards to test with. I consider an X300SE ATI (about $40 brand new) just as good to test stability as I do my X850XT PE or 6600GT SLI's. 3d is 3d, and these cards are made to do 3d, even if the lower end cards are not made of the same iron as the high dollar cards.


They are expected to at least run the benchmark (and they all do, my GF2MX AGP, Radeon 8500LE AGP, Radeon 9700P AGP, Radeon 9500NP AGP, X800 Pro AGP, X300SE PCI-E, 6800GT PCI-E, 2x6600GT PCI-E, X850XT PE PCI-E). It isn't important to announce in the database your highest score.


Take my 754 Sempron entry for example. The first one was run with a 9500NP to verify it was completely stable. Once it was stable then i swapped out to the X800 Pro just to see if it would give me hassles, and I ended up entering a second time @ 1000Mhz overclocked with the X800.


If someone wants to publish their highest benches, thats fine, but that is what the OC section is for. I do not ever want this section to get into a 'wang-measuring contest'. Measuring wangs is what we do in the OC section (and i dig doing that as much as the next guy). Someone should start a 'benchmark and compare' thread there but its a lot harder with all the different rigs that would be compared...same as it would be here since no on is going to get to the same clock at exactly the same settings with the same hardware (or if they do, its pretty rare).


im down with 'racing' as Rgone calls it...I'm just more down with being a guide for users to find some stability for themselves.

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I am using VDIMM 3.2V with the jumper on the 5V setting but I have tried 3.2V at the 3V setting with no luck as the voltage drops to 3.1V on SG and my computer BSOD's


Should I just run 3.3V instead of 3.2V?

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jimmy does your psu have an adjustable voltage rail? If it was like the OCZ you could just crank up the 3.3v rail a little and possibly stabilize.


I get the same thing with just 3.2v, it will sometimes drop to 3.15/3.17...but if you use the 4v jumper it makes the settings rock solid at any voltage heh.


problem is, the 4v jumper means there's a LOT of juice going through it, and it has a tendency to run extremely hot hot hot.


you got VX so 3.3v shouldnt hurt your memory at all...but I am loathe to suggest going to the 4v jumper JUST to get that .1 extra volt..thats just...a bad idea in my opinion.


you could always back off a little on the FSB to stabilize, or you could drop to the 180 divider and actually maybe turn the FSB up a little lol.

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Ok, so this is going to be a double post from the a64 forum... sorry.


I'm trying to get my system up to a speed similar to those on the overclocking thread, something on the order of 2800MHz stable.... however, I can't get my board to stay stable at all at 240MHz. I bring down the HTT multiplier, CPU multiplier, and ram multiplier so they're all essentially stock, and the board still won't get past the windows logon prompt. I tried upping the voltage, but that doesn't seem to help. I'm running 510-3. Anyone have any suggestions?



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2x 1Gb Corsair Value Select


thats half your problem


the other half is you are using 1GB modules, which wont overclock well.


try setting your CPC to disabled (2T) and I bet you can boot up to windows etc (but it will cost you in performance)

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Am I pushin it runnin my winny at 1.66vcore on air, i mean today my temps were awsome with my windows open and all with like 50*F temps outside(today idle 29*C load 42*C) but hotter days are goin to come and am I alright with 1.66vcore with temps say around like 46-47* load? I got a new 3 bladed delta high speed fan that does an awsome job coolin so I think it will be ok. Prime 95 will fail if i run it with say 1.64vcore, but games will run fine so so I just keep it with that, im not sure wheter to pump up the vcore for more stability or just run what is game stable....opinions are appreciated

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winnies typically hate voltage above 1.60v and above 1.65v can be a killer on air and even water...only the sub-zero cooling should be using above 1.65v (typically you will hit your cpu's mhz limit before you even have to pump that much voltage to it so pumping it up higher on air/water is useless)



47C load is good temp...during the summer i tell guys to possibly clock their rigs down a little (not so much clock them down as find a clock setting that uses the least voltage but still gives an overclock of some personal value).


make a sig Mr Duders ;)

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please check the rules and the Important Info threads stuck to the top of this section.


If you are looking for help, reading this is the most important first-step for you to take.


this helps us tremendously to help you solve your issue if we can see what is in your system every time you post:









Be as thorough as possible please. Voltages, timings, settings, bios version, etc.


The more information you give us about the problem, and the more details about your hardware in your sig = more help we can give you.

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