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The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread


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OK so I have to use hotkey (Ctrl + Alt + M) to bring up the OSD...when I do that nothing happens.


What program do I set up the hot key in?


I keep getting a windows security alert thing...mabey I should turn that off?


EDIT: Nope can't turn of the security...it has to stay at medium.

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Okay I hate to do this, but I've tried numerous things and can't get my 7800gt to show up on my MBM5.


What post do I need to refer to?

I've looked at a few, tried enabling the sensors, tried starting the plugin, and all it does is yell at me.




PlugInFound : C:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5PluginMBM5NVdriver.dll

PlugInFound : C:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5PluginMBM5Rivatuner.dll


PlugInLoaded : C:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5PluginMBM5NVdriver.dll

PlugInType : 2

PlugInName : NV driver temperature monitoring v7.2a

CPlugInInit : Found

CPlugInInit : Executed

PlugInStart : Found

PlugInStart : Executed

PlugInStop : Found

PlugInPulse : Found

PlugInPause : Found

PlugInClose : Found

PlugInMenuName : Found

PlugInOptions : Found [About]

PlugIn accepted


PlugInLoaded : C:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5PluginMBM5Rivatuner.dll

PlugInType : 2

PlugInName : Rivatuner temperature monitoring v1.0

CPlugInInit : Found

CPlugInInit : Executed

PlugInStart : Found

PlugInStart : Not Excecuted

PlugInStop : Found

PlugInPulse : Found

PlugInPause : Found

PlugInClose : Found

PlugInMenuName : Found

PlugInOptions : Found [About]

PlugIn accepted

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I’d like to express my thanks for all of you that made my time here at the forum so enjoyable. So many that did the good work helping others. Kudos to you all.


It is time for me to leave. While I support a forum owner’s right to administer as he sees fit, I simply cannot agree with Angry’s actions and comments any longer. You appear to be “losing it” Travis. I will have no part in ridiculing or demeaning a user in need of help.


I hope no one considers this sour grapes for you removing me as a moderator. I was an active member in the forum for 18 months and a mod for only 3 weeks. I never requested to be made a mod, but when you asked for help I tried my best. Hope I did right by the forum members during the short tenure.


Since you refuse to reply to my emails or messenger any longer I’ll just say that I hope you seek help soon. You need it badly. I told you in the Moderation Bar 2 weeks ago that you needed a vacation. You took my advice then and I hope you do so now.


Not sure if the members want to know what all went on but I think these links may say it all. I think you will see that all the mods wanted to insure that the database was backed up, so that members posts and tutorials could be saved if Travis shut the forum down. I certainly have no regrets concerning anything I stated in these posts.
















I was told the IRC channel was shut down due to a “security breach”.

After receiving this from a forum moderator I do not believe that was the true reason.

While it was suggested to me that someone stole Angry Director’s identity it rings too familiar to be brushed aside.




Was really hoping that AG would step to the back and concentrate on something else instead of demeaning customers but that is not to be from his post. As I said in the “Update Regarding Angry Games” thread, Travis will NEVER change. Never-ever-ever.


The mods and Rgone are really great guys and I respect them a good deal, but I can no longer deal with the “culture” that Angry Games is developing here. I’ll regret losing their friendship immensely. God Bless you all.


May your OverClocks be high, your Temps low, and your Uptimes long.


Carl aka soundx98

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I’d like to express my thanks for all of you that made my time here at the forum so enjoyable. So many that did the good work helping others. Kudos to you all.


It is time for me to leave. While I support a forum owner’s right to administer as he sees fit, I simply cannot agree with Angry’s actions and comments any longer. You appear to be “losing it” Travis. I will have no part in ridiculing or demeaning a user in need of help.


I hope no one considers this sour grapes for you removing me as a moderator. I was an active member in the forum for 18 months and a mod for only 3 weeks. I never requested to be made a mod, but when you asked for help I tried my best. Hope I did right by the forum members during the short tenure.


Since you refuse to reply to my emails or messenger any longer I’ll just say that I hope you seek help soon. You need it badly. I told you in the Moderation Bar 2 weeks ago that you needed a vacation. You took my advice then and I hope you do so now.


Not sure if the members want to know what all went on but I think these links may say it all. I think you will see that all the mods wanted to insure that the database was backed up, so that members posts and tutorials could be saved if Travis shut the forum down. I certainly have no regrets concerning anything I stated in these posts.
















I was told the IRC channel was shut down due to a “security breach”.

After receiving this from a forum moderator I do not believe that was the true reason.

While it was suggested to me that someone stole Angry Director’s identity it rings too familiar to be brushed aside.




Was really hoping that AG would step to the back and concentrate on something else instead of demeaning customers but that is not to be from his post. As I said in the “Update Regarding Angry Games” thread, Travis will NEVER change. Never-ever-ever.


The mods and Rgone are really great guys and I respect them a good deal, but I can no longer deal with the “culture” that Angry Games is developing here. I’ll regret losing their friendship immensely. God Bless you all.


May your OverClocks be high, your Temps low, and your Uptimes long.


Carl aka soundx98


Great Post, it will probably be deleted, just like mine was. Take it easy.

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Guest jakevsnake

I have been reading the posts in here but have yet to see settings for MBM5 that show both the temp cores of a dual core cpu as well as the voltage readings of both cores. Does anyone have MBM5 working for a dual core setup?

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i think that the temps for a dual core cpu will be the same and if not then i am sure that the vcore will be the same, so why the need to display the same thing twice




r u using both fo the plugins in the same time or not ??


please be sure to use the nvidia plugin alone and try

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I have been reading the posts in here but have yet to see settings for MBM5 that show both the temp cores of a dual core cpu as well as the voltage readings of both cores. Does anyone have MBM5 working for a dual core setup?


See post 942 .

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