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Vista... Who's running it?



79 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you using Vista on your main PC?

    • Nope!
    • Yes, Vista Home Basic
    • Yes, Vista Home Premium
    • Yes, Vista Business
    • Yes, Vista Ultimate
    • Yes, but I dual boot with another OS

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None here, but the Media Center changes look like they might actually be worth it. I'm considering it for my HTPC, but don't really want to spend the money on it right now.

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Nope, sticking with XP Pro on most of my machines with some Kubuntu and Ubuntu thrown in there as well. I could get Vista Business anytime I want through the MSDNAA though.

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I had absolutely no problem with RC2. I plan on getting it soon. I will probably get the upgrade so that I can transfer it to another PC when I upgrade next time. I don't mind the frame rate loss in gaming that much, especially with my current setup. I am interested in the Media Center. For those of you that are using 64-bit, how is it working out for you. I would like to know if you have had any compatibility problems, I seem to ba able to find drivers for it everywhere now. I would like to take advantage of 64-bit capabilities. Please comment on compatibilty issues. let me know if this should be i another thread, I thought it appropriate for the current poll.

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My dad got a real cheap Vista Basic on eBay, so he's running it on my Mum's work laptop... it's nice and smooth, and runs better than XP did (?)

I'm waiting until my next build to get it on my machine... maybe sometime after the summer :)

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Just installed it on my new board and it's working fabulously. There were issues with app compatability when I installed it on my first board 2 months ago, but this time everything is fine

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it's tough to day "using it". it's installed on a few rigs... but none of them are actually in use... or booting to vista.


I'm just very unhappy with it in general. lots of hardware doesn't work. many of my business apps don't work (I can't even manage my phone system from it). so it sits until MS resolves this type of stuff.

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