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What kind of firewall do you use?



75 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind of firewall do you use?

    • Hardware
    • Software: Windows
    • Software: 3rd Party (Zone Alarm, Black Ice, Norton, etc)
    • Both (software & hardware)
    • Other
    • None

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hardware only. ^^

Router and software firewall on most machines that I use for accessing the internet, router firewall only for the folding-only rigs, and Kerio firewall for one machine that faces the Internet. So I voted both even though I have machines in both, harware only and software only.

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hardware NAT/Firewall in router only


software firewalls are annoying, always end up blocking *myself* at some point regardless of how many rules i set, and they don't really give any higher form of protection over hardware from my experience with them

Edited by hardnrg

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I did... I will go bludgeon myself for not paying closer attention, sorry.


* hands oldfett a blunt instrument * :P


As for the poll, I took the 'both' option... my homebrew router/firewall box running Coyote Linux (featuring NAT) & a variety of MS, nVidia & ZoneAlarm software firewalls :D


Call me paranoid :ph34r: LMAO :lol:

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