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To My Fellow Occers...


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here's a case

here's a picture of a model aeroplane?

here are some graphics/logos from a game...


now make me a case design cos i don't know what to do...




(2 days later)







that right there made my day :lol:

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i've been here for a while as you can see but my post count is not that high.. it's only cause this site is important to me since i learned everything on it, and feel i can give back etc etc..


but don't let OCC be your life, moderation people.. I've left and come back several times when I get busy, bored with computers, but don't WHINE like so many have done and say, well, fine then i'm out..


you know you'll prolly be back, which is good, just roll with crap.. take a break, i do all the time, but don't try to guilt trip us.

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I agree that some more mods could be used, also too many topics get locked for a dumb post. Why not just delete that post?


probably because unless the post is spotted right away, there may be 10 posts after referring to it, but is a mod going to spend the time to edit everyone's post to remove the reference?

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claymeow hit it... because we don't have the time to read through EVERY post......


when I was first a mod, I tried doing that... but it really took hours!



and as to the original post here...


why does everyone even respond?? If the person is announcing they are leaving, they will never see the responses!

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claymeow hit it...  because we don't have the time to read through EVERY post......


when I was first a mod, I tried doing that...  but it really took hours!

and as to the original post here...


why does everyone even respond??  If the person is announcing they are leaving, they will never see the responses!




Yeah, but he is sticking around waiting for someone to be like "oh no, dont go, we will be worthless without you!!!"



Dont let the proverbial door hit you on the kiester on the way out.

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Yeah, but he is sticking around waiting for someone to be like "oh no, dont go, we will be worthless without you!!!"



as i call it, "drama king"


Why make a post when you aer leaving? Just leave.



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