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Things You Regret Most


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What are things that you regret doing most?




Mine would be attempting to cut my wrists(I didn't break the skin that time) while talking to Emily. I asked if I could see her face once more on webcam, and she agreed to start it up, but told me that I wasn't going to kill myself. When the connection was established, I saw her there, crying. You'll never know how much it hurt.





Anyway, what are things that you regret most? Selling something valuable to you or someone else? Putting down your pet? Deleting your pr0n collection :D?

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Joining the freaking ARMY!!! What a waste of 5 years. Shoulda stayed home and bought a house. coulda paid 150K then, now I'll be lucky if i can find a decent house for less than 250k. :angry:


Oh well



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i am only 16 so I do not have much to regret and still have lots of time to make up for them. I regret not trying harder in previous years at school. I am in all CP classes so I am not dumb. The only advanced class i am in is Pre-Calc as i am a junior now, and will be taking Calc next year as a Senior. I could easily be in all AP classes this year if I tried harder Freshman and sophmmore year.

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I regret clicking on kbs posts. Much like r target. I know what they will be like. Something about how awful life is, or how evil humanity is,. But for some reason I click on them anyway. Too much of my life has been wasted by reading kbs posts. I regret them all. :(

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being blind to the fact that the girl i had a huge crush on my entire life liked me for awhile and i never new it..fond out 3 years later...yea that was a bummer

same here man. I met her at a bar on saturday and we got to talking. turns out she had a HUGE crush on me such as i did with her. Too bad she has a bf now.


ah well.


I also regret saying i want to work part time at a job interview. if i said full time i would of gotten the job. One freaking word.


KBs posts are preaty much a given however :P

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