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The Last Fraud Thread About Alex I Promise!


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If this shouldn't be in Buy, Sell, Or Trade then I apologize mods.


Well to all that have been involved in this whole mess. Keep in mind I never sent any money, simply wanted to help the members of the community both here, and apparantly in other forums as well.


Nick (Killswitch) cannot do anything since he does not have hold of the funds. The only person that has hold of those funds is Alex since it is under his paypal account which is linked to his bank account. Rest assured the email that all the victims will receive shortly is accurate and infact true. After Nick confessed everything he gave me Alex's phone # and address. Instead of taking this matter to Small Claims court (I was ready to represent anyone who wasn't able to attend), I decided to contact Alex's parents over the phone since I figured this was the best way to get everyones money back.

His mom pretty much freaked out over the phone (Remember I am a complete stranger calling someone), and gave the phone over to his father, Albert. I explained everything to Albert from the beginning, and even got Nick on a 3 way conversation to confess everything to Alex's parents as well. His father (Alex's) told me to email him a list of all the victims. Nick has not received a dime from this, he was simply referring all the ppl that bought stuff to [email protected] (Alex the 19yr old). Alex is the one with the paypal account, and Nick (15 yr old) was the accomplice. Luckily Nick came to his senses and gave us the detailed most privaleged info that we needed. Below I will show you the email I sent out to his father, and the response I have received from him. I don't need any praise for this, simply letting you all know that if anything like this happened to me, I would hope someone out their would have the decency to help. :)



Dear Mrs. Fairclough,

Here is the list per your request.     

Amount      Name                  Email

$100              Mike Chang                      [email protected]

$325              Roger Porcelli                  [email protected]

$110              Gene Sansone                [email protected]

$180              Martin Nantel                    [email protected]

$85                Christopher Bourgoin      [email protected] 

$50                Raz Craiu                    [email protected]

$225              Joseph Taylor              [email protected]

$415              Ryan Juliano                          [email protected]

$225              Tuyet Tran                          [email protected]

$440              Margaret Downer          [email protected]

$260              Frank van Bekkum          [email protected]

$110              Norbert Legault                    [email protected]

$260              Evan Nelson                          [email protected]

$100              Brendan Hickey                  [email protected]



Their may be more pending as well. You can ask Alex for his paypal account info and see for yourself all these transactions. Every single one of them are on their.

His paypal account username is [email protected] , and you can ask him for the password. Many of these disputes were cancelled because Alex withdrew all the money from his paypal account. Unfortunately when there is a 0 balance in your

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QUOTE : This matter is officially resolved gentlemen


I,m sorry ayokona but it isn't, not until we actually "get" the friggin money, i've been following all those thread too and all i hear up to now is words nothing but words and future payments, nothing actually came close to a pay-pal e-mail in my box.

We are dealing with scammers and fraud, for all i know the father isn't better than the son,and again all i have is another number on the calender and now it's in august. do you see a pattern here?F further and further till most of the peoples here are bored and forget about it, or the admins simply removes anything concerning the matter. Sending money trough pay-pal takes but a minute. If i was a scammer, and i really want to give back the money i stole, it wouldn't take that long to resolve the matter, especially if the father now knows about it <_<

And who is this Bicer guy, loll are we in a friggin soap?

Edited by kobalt

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QUOTE : This matter is officially resolved gentlemen


I,m sorry ayokona but it isn't, not until we actually "get" the friggin money, i've been following all those thread too and all i hear up to now is words nothing but words and future payments, nothing actually came close to a pay-pal e-mail in my box.

We are dealing with scammers and fraud, for all i know the father isn't better than the son,and again all i have is another number on the calender and now it's in august. do you see a pattern here?F further and further till most of the peoples here are bored and forget about it, or the admins simply removes anything concerning the matter. Sending money trough pay-pal takes but a minute. If i was a scammer, and i really want to give back the money i stole, it wouldn't take that long to resolve the matter, especially if the father now knows about it <_<

And who is this Bicer guy, loll are we in a friggin soap?

Kobalt, you don't have to believe the scammers if you don't want to. But you can believe me. I am not lying when I say I spoke to his parents. The father infact owns a company Kobalt, and is CEO. I will email you the full email from his father momentarily.

I am fully behind his parents, and they were very forthcoming and prompt after I emailed them. I promise you will see a check from him by July 16th, and the rest thereafter. The reason you guys aren't getting the money asap, is because he spent it all.

Just like I was right when I spotted this thread as "fraud" from the beginning (you remember I pmed you about it), you can rest assured that I will be right about his father getting everyones money back. When have I ever been wrong? :D You gotta put some trust in me.

And as Andrusk said, I am Eitay Bicer :P

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I happen to be on that list........and I'd like to know what it is his father wants me to do ....in order to get my $225.00 back.



You don't have to do anything. Did you get an email from Alex? Alex was supposed to send an email to everyone on that list (sample provided in my first post). If however he didn't then you should be receiving it by today. If you don't PM me and I will contact his father again.

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:) Yeah you were right since the biginning, and as i said in my e- mail i'm sorry for that missunderstanding about your name.

i also mentionned in the e- mail someone not on the list, if you can do something about it i'd apreciate a lot ;)

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