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Who Hates Mac!?

Bboy Satch

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The quote about them that I saw sums it up and went something like this:

"The Macintosh operating system is amazingly complex, considering how little it does"


I dont hate them, because they are sort of competition to keep PC Prices low...


I am a gamer, Macs are wannabes..... :ph34r:

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ok, i'm gonna have to edit this to conform to forum language or something... let's see how many times i have to edit it...


my housemate's just recently got a 933MHz PowerMac G4 with 512MB Ram, DVD R/RW, CD R/RW, GeForce4 (MX, haha), FireWire, 10/100/1000Base-T, USB-2, Sony Trinitron 19inch monitor, optical mouse (ONE button!!! hahahahhaha!)


all this shitt AND a computer desk and chair for about

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Macs are slow, underpowered, bloated, and overpriced for the amount of performance they deliver. For the price of a Dual 2 Ghz G5 (and probably less), I could build a Athlon 64 FX-53 that could outperform it at STOCK SPEEDS. You'll get twice the performance for half the price and ten times the application compatability with a custom built PC. OSX is bloated too-I work with GarageBand (sweet program) at school on an 800 MHz eMac, and it runs so (pause for lag between key presses) ....................s.............................................l.............


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Whenever I have to use Macs at school, I just about go insane. I cannot stand Mac OS. It's probably becasue I'm used to Windows as much as anything else, but I still hate it.


Plus the overpriced thing. The prices on those things are incredible.

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to quote bigred "MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash If Not The Operating System Hangs"

LOL. that's great!


i too despise Macs. I want full compatibility. Hell, i uninstalled win2k after a day because it wouldn't play all the games i tested on it.


And i agree about the OS, it looks like an "OS for Dummies", yet is anything but. Anyone who mocks WinXP (esp. choosing MacOS over it) doesn't know how to operate a computer correctly. I've had practically zero problems with it on all my computers (compared to the hundreds i had on win98)....it's people that don't know what they're doing and start messing around with ., or installing third party drivers that cause probs, and then they blame MS. WinXP kicks ..


I will admit that the apple notebooks look really cool, but it's still a MAC

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