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Create Logo's For Occ And Make $$$$$&#036

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tell me about it... it's ridiculous i swear... anyway, i've sort of improved my idea a bit...


I think that's about what I want the hardware ones to look like, I'll have to come up with some sort of gaming theme now, not sure what really, it's gotta be something copyright free, i know that pcb is cool copyright-wise anyway.


hmm, i hate copyright! all i can think of for games is a screeny of a game!


bollox, i need to eat, can't think! :blink:

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tell me about it... it's ridiculous i swear... anyway, i've sort of improved my idea a bit...


I think that's about what I want the hardware ones to look like, I'll have to come up with some sort of gaming theme now, not sure what really, it's gotta be something copyright free, i know that pcb is cool copyright-wise anyway.


hmm, i hate copyright!  all i can think of for games is a screeny of a game!


bollox, i need to eat, can't think!  :blink:

If I could find some of my bryce stuff you could use that for games


http://thepropane.deviantart.com/ <-- there is 2 of them


I have more somewhere... maby under the bed? :-P


It kinda looks like a game

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wow, cool s*** dude! man, i ain't used bryce for time...


i guess for a game theme it would be nice for there to be some sort of character or vehicle in the foreground of one of those landscapes :)


erm, right, i've done the hardware award set!


I think I'm pretty happy with that :D


So yeah Kev if you've already got something a little more game-looking then please feel free to pass it my way :) (or say where I can find it)


Hmm, so that leaves "Other"... guess that can be ANYthing tho eh!


(edit - I'm probly gonna get rid of the "Hardware Award" text and replace it with "overclocking to the next level" - update soon hopefully!)

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Just a reminder since some are not following guidelines...


Hardware Related Awards:
  • OCC Recommended
    Editors Choice
    Product of the Year
    Motherboard of the Year
    Video Card of the Year


Gaming Related Awards:

  • Game of the Year
    FPS Game Of The Year
    RTS Game Of The Year
    Worst Game Of The Year
    Best Single Player Game Of The Year
    Multiplayer Game Of The Year


Other Awards:

  • Product Hall of Shame
    As Seen on OCC (Like the "As Seen On TV" logo)
    what the heck Were They Thinking Award


You should make them all "similar" in style and design (you can make the hardware ones different in style from the gaming ones, or vise versa). Please keep the resolution of them around 200 pixels in width and height, if possible. File size does not really matter so much.. but do try and keep it under 80K. No FLASH files please. I prefer gif or jpeg.


Our name "Overclockers Club" must appear somewhere on the logo or you may use: "www.overclockersclub.com".


You must submit your images as a "group" including all of the requested logos above. You must also provide us an "uncompress" file format. .tiff and/or the originally work file including layers.


I preferred a vector format.


Once you have completed the group of logo's please send them to: [email protected]



Edited by d3 -

Thought this info might help everyone out.



  • Dark Blue COlor used on OCC - #00024A
    Light Blue (Used on Grid) - Not sure exactly - #02008A
    Orange/Gold - #FEA201


  • OverclockersClub Text in logo - Concielian (
"Overclocking to the next level" font - Arial (included w/ Windows)


Why does everyone put "Hardware" on the awards? If it's "Motherboard of the Year", then it's kinda obvious that it's a hardware award. :P


I know this wasn't really pointed out at first, but we will (hopefully) be creating a page that displays each award, and talks about it. So there really isn't a need to say "Hardware/Software Award".


Though, I will admit some of them nice with "Hardware Award" in them. Though of you that do have something like that in your images, might want to consider making a set without it.


Just something to think about. ;)

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Why does everyone put "Hardware" on the awards? If it's "Motherboard of the Year", then it's kinda obvious that it's a hardware award. :P

cus sometimes you gotta fill space :P

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Why does everyone put "Hardware" on the awards? If it's "Motherboard of the Year", then it's kinda obvious that it's a hardware award. :P

Yeah, I realised this too :lol:


so what was I gonna put there instead? why, "overclocking to the next level" of course!


so guess what I've been doing all evening? yes, that's right, finishing the WHOLE set!!!


d3: please point out if any of these don't meet the requirements, i did admittedly almost forget to put overclockersclub in the 3 "other" awards... but didn't :P


haha, anyway, here they ALL are!




YEAH! I'm well pleased! What do you lot think then eh? If cool, I'll submit them in some sizeable compressed file.


oh, btw, that conceilian font has a few errors in it... bit of a pain, like some letters have to be manually spaced in relation to the adjacent letters to look correct...


i'm sure no-one has THAT much time to go and edit a font tho!!! hahaha not me, took long enough doing these!!!


edit edit edit...


i think it's kinda a shame that you can't see the occ fan in it's full glory...

so here it is!




:) i guess i'm gonna have to use that in my sig pic when i get round to doin it!


i'm an addict... i've stayed up, photoshop's still in full force and i did my sig pic...

but then I found out all about the 90-day sig-pic "probation period"!!!! :lol:


well bollox to the 90-day thingymajig... this is what my sig pic WILL be when my probation is up!!




and i pooh-pooh your 90-day sig-pic probation good sirs!

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