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Create Logo's For Occ And Make $$$$$&#036

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wow i like yours webx


well hers four hours of work.. i wnt thorugh about 10 differnt ideas.. until i landed on this one.. this is just a sample... comments pleaseee.... im out of ideas.. for now.. need to sleep.. tired

Edited by roadkill

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here is one of the hardware ones ive done..ive complete hardware..there is a .zip with .jpg and .psd files all .psds include all layers used in each image...






webx, i think that looks really good and stylish, but i think it's too wordy for a "best of" seal. You want a reader/viewer to notice it right away, and not have to read too much.


flamer, i don't know that that is in the background, but 1) it has nothing to do with OCC, or computers, and 2) you have to be careful about using copyrighted material, as it seems like you didn't create that and got it off something, perhaps a game or anime or something.

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herses an update of that one.. ty to Sykocus


he recomends changing the recomended parta



edit2: well gona finsih rest tomroow... im gona sleep... gota [i[recharge my "photoshop mnd".[/i]

Edited by roadkill

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sykocus: Yes, submit more than one group. You're getting paid for completing all of the groups, so it's a must.


I agree with ClayMeow, that less is better.

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sykocus: Yes, submit more than one group. You're getting paid for completing all of the groups, so it's a must.


I agree with ClayMeow, that less is better.

i guess i meant more then one theme...


more then one "set" of all the images. since you want them similar design...can i send more then one design...of all the images of couse.

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I'm going to give it a try; I'd like to know if you will be using them on your usual #00024A dark blue background.


So that I can optimize the transparent regions to look good on that background.


Also you said you want a vector format and also that you want gif or jpeg. That

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Whats a good program that i can get for free or a free trial to try some of this stuff? i have never done anything with picutres accept a doodle in paint and have wanted to mess around and experiment for a while so any good suggestions?

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