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Maxtor 120 Gig


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Just a quick question ,I just installed a new 120gig maxtor(Had to rma the old one)...I installed win xp pro and I noticed it is only showing 114gig....I am using 2.50gig at the moment. I know that you lose a couple of gig's but 6gigs???

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If you are really picky about picking up an extra GB at most, you can play around with the cluster sizes and see if you can get some extra space, but to be honest with ya, just stick with the 114.

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Yeah, most hdd manufacturers call a gig 1000 mb but a true gig is 1024 mb. I have a seagate 120 and it only shows 114. If those extra couple gigs matter that much you might want to just go buy another drive. I would join in with the crew that is suing those companies but I just got done with being sued so I don't want to go there again.

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Yeah, most hdd manufacturers call a gig 1000 mb but a true gig is 1024 mb. I have a seagate 120 and it only shows 114. If those extra couple gigs matter that much you might want to just go buy another drive. I would join in with the crew that is suing those companies but I just got done with being sued so I don't want to go there again.

Exactly, some rate at 1000 and windows is 1024



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