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Apple gets 1.051 Billion from Samsung


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I don't have all the facts from the case, and I'm trying not to sound like an Apple hater, but... can the average person distinguish between different televisions at Best Buy? What about trucks with the brand names removed? Fridges, CPU heatsinks, bookshelf speakers, headphones... the list can go on and on....

Edited by ekiM

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Well of course apple has to sue, how else will the generate revenue when people start to figure out that apple products suck. :lol:


Still not as bad as best buy yesterday. I had an interview for the PC department and they asked me why I thought I would be good for the job. I told them how I have sold them a few laptops before when people asked me for help when the store was too busy (maybe 3 times in the past 2 year). Although I sold them at least 2K of product, the manager was upset because I never advertised their software. I guess as a result he figured I lost the company 1K and he threatened to sue me for that 1K.


He literally thought he could sue me for helping other people when they asked it OF me.


Every single company seems to have a stick up their @$$ in some way or another these days.

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Well of course apple has to sue, how else will the generate revenue when people start to figure out that apple products suck. :lol:


Still not as bad as best buy yesterday. I had an interview for the PC department and they asked me why I thought I would be good for the job. I told them how I have sold them a few laptops before when people asked me for help when the store was too busy (maybe 3 times in the past 2 year). Although I sold them at least 2K of product, the manager was upset because I never advertised their software. I guess as a result he figured I lost the company 1K and he threatened to sue me for that 1K.


He literally thought he could sue me for helping other people when they asked it OF me.


Every single company seems to have a stick up their @$$ in some way or another these days.


I don't know whether to find that amusing or worrying... Good story nonetheless. :lol:

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Showed the article to my roommate. He said he's glad that Apple won and that Samsung had a blatant copy of the iPad, etc etc etc. Damn near ripped his head off. He also has a Samsung Galaxy S II and claims that its terrible and that he can't wait for the iPhone 5 because its a lot better.

Edited by Onion

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I don't have all the facts from the case, and I'm trying not to sound like an Apple hater, but... can the average person distinguish between different televisions at Best Buy? What about trucks with the brand names removed? Fridges, CPU heatsinks, bookshelf speakers, headphones... the list can go on and on....



Key words Shameless and Stealing. Its amazing that it is this that they are crying about when you get it the company ideology straight from the horses mouth.

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I'm gonna have to call BS on that one. :unsure:


That is kind of the point. I think he was trying to BS me. I have yet to find how he (or the company) would be able to sue me for that. In fact, the only thing I have found is that it is well within my rights to march right in there and tell every single person about newegg and freeware :lol: .


Personally I feel like trying to sue best buy for using scare tactics to get people to buy their software (Kepersky and geek squad services). And before any of you think that I am exaggerating any of this, he flat out told me that I would have to "scare" people into buying their software during the interview. I obviously have no idea how you would scare people into buying software without it being a complete disregard for false advertisement laws, but the point remains that he still said that.


And my point as a whole is that it seems to me (in my very limited experience with business) that every single company acts like Apple to some degree or another.

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In fact, the only thing I have found is that it is well within my rights to march right in there and tell every single person about newegg and freeware :lol:


They would also have the right to ask you to leave.

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I am legit pissed off at this. Gotta love a court case between a Californian based company and a Korean one, hosted in a Californian court, with 9 Californian jurors


I agree. I think for apple to even file a law suit was stupid at best, and the fact that they won is totally unbelievable.


I think what really irritates me is how Apple wants to claim that they are always revolutionizing the industry. Well it is no wonder, because they stump the growth of every other business.


And if Apple truly believes that they have the greatest tech on the planet, then why do they feel threatened enough by other companies to cry wolf on every freakin little thing.


Why don't they make make a new phone all together, and make it so amazing that no one else can copy it. That was steve jobs whole aproach to computers all along wasn;t it? Make the best device available and everyone will buy it no matter what astronomical price tag you stick on it? Or are people starting to figure out that Steve Job's asinine way of running a business is nothing more than a pipe dream and they are starting to grow concerned over their diminishing market base?

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