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Mac Users: Did you get OSX Mountain Lion?



29 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you get OSX Mountain Lion?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't use a mac

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Before I even clicked on this thread I KNEW the above would happen.



I do it sometimes and have done it A LOT in the past, but why do we feel the need to reassure ourselves about our dislike for something?


I mean what if the thread title said-


Ford drivers:


Nike wearers:


Pepsi drinkers:


Marlboro smokers:



If you used/partook in/enjoyed none of those things why even post in the thread?



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Before I even clicked on this thread I KNEW the above would happen.




Even though the poll is headed with: "Mac Users:..."


To keep on topic; what changes have been made with this release?

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Well I mean for a PC illiterate person a mac would be simpler to get into in my opinion. They don't have as much complexity as windows, you know . tons of programs and possible program conflicts.


Just something I noticed personally. I find the flicking through multiple screens/desktops by using the touchpad pretty nice. I liked the concept.

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We have only one Mac in the house now... :whoa:

My dad sold his Mac Pro and got himself an i7 950

then he sold my old Mac...


So the only Mac left in the house is my mum's Mac mini...and I'm gonna do a fresh install on that this week...I'm not sure if I'm going to use Mt. Lion though..

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To answer the poll before I get into anything else, yes I upgraded one Mac to ML. My other Mac is not compatible and will be stuck on Lion until it gets replaced sometime in the future.


Seriously -- a mac poll...HERE? :mfp:

Kind of what I thought when I saw the poll. :lol:


+1, I think the real question here is who even uses a mac?

A large number of people actually, including several staff members. An ever larger percentage of staff use an iPhone. :P


So you are asking me if I got an OS update for a computer that is made by a company that uses sweat shop labor, lies to and insults it's customers, uses extortion to try and change standards in it's favor, lies to it's investors by hiding profits, blames customer use on obvious design flaws and overcharges for their products? Seriously I wonder daily how apple users can even show their faces without hanging their heads in shame.


  • "Sweat shop labor" = Foxconn, the same company that manufacturers/assembles the Kindle, PS3, and Xbox 360. Along with devices for Dell, HP, Acer, Cisco, Motorola, Microsoft, and many others. Yet Apple appears to be the only one trying to help the Foxconn employees and bring about change. So, we're still going to complain about Apple using the company?
  • "Lies to and insults it's customers" = What company doesn't? That's pretty much the basic rule of marketing. Although the whole "OS X doesn't get PC viruses..." or "get viruses like Windows..." is technically true, it is completely misleading and deceptive.
  • "Uses extortion to try and change standards in it's favor" = Really? You don't change a standard, you create a new standard (i.e. nano-SIM, HDMI 1.4). Every company tries to push for standards that benefit them and it is up to the standards body to create the standard in a way that they see best benefits others, usually by looking at different proposals and soliciting feedback from the industry.
  • "lies to it's investors by hiding profits" = I'm pretty sure they don't and they operate within the confines of the SOX Act (2002) and other federal laws. As high profile is Apple is, if there was anything wrong with their finances the SEC / IRS would be all over them. Yes, they have overseas funds, but operate well within the law. I'm pretty sure any investor in Apple is quite happy.
  • "blames customer use on obvious design flaws" = I'm with you on this one... the whole "you are holding it wrong" fiasco was just stupid. That said, nearly every iPhone I have ever seen (iPhone 4 or otherwise) has been inside of a case. That makes the whole reception issue moot. I know I'm not about to use a $100+ phone (regardless of the manufacturer) without some form of protection.
  • "overcharges for their products" = You mean their hardware? I'll give you that the desktop and laptop systems are a bit more expensive than what other companies sell... and far more expensive than what you could build on your own. So what? The quality is damn good, and if someone wants to pay more for something let them. It doesn't hurt you one bit.

From your list of issues with Apple, you probably shouldn't be using any form of technology at all since it pretty well applies across the board. Maybe we should start calling you AmishEd instead? Of course, then you wouldn't be able to get on the internet to see who was talking to you. ;)


"Seriously I wonder daily how apple users can even show their faces without hanging their heads in shame." Really? That is your closing thought? That may rank up there with the most idiotic comments I have ever seen. :doh: That makes about as much since as saying:

  • "Seriously I wonder daily how fat people can even show their faces without hanging their heads in shame."
  • "Seriously I wonder daily how <<political party supporters>> can even show their faces without hanging their heads in shame."
  • "Seriously I wonder daily how <<sexual preference people>> can even show their faces without hanging their heads in shame."
  • "Seriously I wonder daily how smokers can even show their faces without hanging their heads in shame."
  • "Seriously I wonder daily how <<people from x country>> can even show their faces without hanging their heads in shame."
  • "Seriously I wonder daily how <<people that listen to [genre] of music>> can even show their faces without hanging their heads in shame."

I use a Mac and I very much enjoy it. I am neither ashamed about it, or all in someone's face about it. I simply don't care. Like anything, I would like to have paid less for it, but I have no remorse in my purchase. OS X is nice, but like MS Windows there are things I do not like about it. Not only do I find that I like functions/features of OS X better than Windows, but I also find that the 3rd party software available for OS X is far superior (such as 1Password, Transmit, Sparrow, Pixelmator, and TextMate to name a few). Those that know me will tell you that I am by no means a "computer novice" or "computer illiterate"... I spent my time modding cases or doing some stupid "ghetto mod", overclocking, TEC and water-cooling, and had my share of fried components. Just like the "extreme enthusiast" isn't for everyone using OS X or a Mac isn't for everyone. Hell, Windows, UNIX, Linux, Android, WebOS, and Chrome OS aren't for everyone. Who cares? Use what you like is best, and leave others to use what they like.


Just because I use a Mac and like OS X, does that somehow mean I support the company? No. They have supported political causes, backed candidates, and made comments and decisions that I thought were insanely f'ing stupid. Am I going to stop using their products because the company says or does something that I don't agree with? Not necessarily, as long as it isn't in my face about it. Just like I won't stop eating Chick-Fil-A because they took a stance on something that doesn't matter to me, or stop listing to a band because a member made a comment about one political figure or another.

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Just like I won't stop eating Chick-Fil-A because they took a stance on something that doesn't matter to me, ect, ect...

Anyone else just get really hungry? Dammit I knew I should have eaten breakfast

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Seriously -- a mac poll...HERE? :mfp:




If you used/partook in/enjoyed none of those things why even post in the thread?



For laughs



A large number of people actually, including several staff members. An ever larger percentage of staff use an iPhone. :P

Don't group using an iPhone/iPad with using a Mac...totally not the same thing :P.


And you're the only staff member I know to openly admit to using a Mac :lol:. I'm happy to say I've never seen anyone else pull out a Mac at CES.


PS. I've owned Apple stock for years...they make me lots of moola. I still hate macs. And yes, I use them at school, so I'm not one of the naive people that never touched them....I have actually suffered with them.

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PS. I've owned Apple stock for years...they make me lots of moola. I still hate macs. And yes, I use them at school, so I'm not one of the naive people that never touched them....I have actually suffered with them.

Suffered? I guess it depends on what you're doing. For basic email, web and document stuff they work just fine. I have a macbook pro because I like the touchpad better than any other touchpad I've ever used. I use a PC for doing real work.

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