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Mac Vs. PC


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For once in my life I should have listened to the warning...


:vmad: :vmad: :vmad: :vmad:




Man that kid is dumb.




The other guy seems to know what he is talking about.


(I have a strong urge to use the word buttmunch more often now too lol)


There are two parts in particular that piss me off the most. One is where he says PCs are homemade bombs (there are about 50 videos from him as a back and forth between him and Adobe PC). You know, once I a done cable sleeving everything in my rig, I think it will look very clean and elegant. A ton of your builds look amazing too. So he obviously is being a little buttmunch :P


The other is where he keep saying xeon. ZEEEEEEEEEONnnn!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't that make him sound like the dumbest buttmunch on the planet? ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Poor kid Probably hasn't even built a custom PC :( but apparently he has had an Ibook for 8 yrs and He is only like 10 yrs old lol. But lets be serious guys Mac isn't the best OS I like Mac OS,Linux, And Windows but the Reality is when Mac OS came out they wanted to be Geared towards editing and multimedia and not really for anything else. Windows on the other hand Wasn't if you wanted support for all your hardware in a custom built Computer you wouldn't go for Mac OS (unless it was a hackintosh) but Windows (and even linux) were made for people that didn't want to be confined to enclosed spaces. If you wanted a cheap machine that could do gaming what do you think i would get as an OS Linux, Mac OS or Windows? Slow People would only really be dumb if they used only one OS for multiple things this kid only has this opinion because he probably grew up in a home with Mac Computers. But honestly for 2 G's i wouldn't get a Mac id Build my Own Tri-boot system Mac OS,Windows And Linux. So little one grew up more and explore then make another opinion i will still be here waiting on what you say :P

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There's no real reason to triple boot IMHO. Windows + OSX pretty much takes care of anything. There's not much you can do on a Linux machine that you can't do on a Mac.

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There's no real reason to triple boot IMHO. Windows + OSX pretty much takes care of anything. There's not much you can do on a Linux machine that you can't do on a Mac.


+1...just have windows and OSX.....



....and after a few months having a PC..instead of a Mac...

I have come to my conclusion:

Desktops = PC

Laptops = Mac


even though I look at PC high performance laptops and have used a few...

each time my friend pulls out his Macbook...I still go....ME WANT!!! lol

Edited by Il_napoletano

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I can't stand the Mac OSX it's just all wrong ins not "smart" or "intuitive" or even "revolutionary".


The way windows work isn't right you can't minipulate them as easy as in win 7 there is no bumping them to the edges of the screen or anything and if you want to use functions like tools or open file you go to the top of the screen which makes things really annoying if you have a few windows open. Also because you can't fully maximize windows it can really start to cut into screen space especially when browsing the net.


You can change settings on the touchpad and by default they suck and it doesn't by any means work in a way I would find acceptable and even after configering it in a way that makes more sense it still gets annoying although it does respond well and accurately.


They keyboard is plain wrong command key what the hell is this and it's in the wrong spot I am forever trying to do things like alt tab and alt f4 but no we shall be retarded and not have such things.


As a laptop it's whole set up from OS to hardware design sucks IMO.

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I can't stand the Mac OSX it's just all wrong ins not "smart" or "intuitive" or even "revolutionary".


The way windows work isn't right you can't minipulate them as easy as in win 7 there is no bumping them to the edges of the screen or anything and if you want to use functions like tools or open file you go to the top of the screen which makes things really annoying if you have a few windows open. Also because you can't fully maximize windows it can really start to cut into screen space especially when browsing the net.


You can change settings on the touchpad and by default they suck and it doesn't by any means work in a way I would find acceptable and even after configering it in a way that makes more sense it still gets annoying although it does respond well and accurately.


They keyboard is plain wrong command key what the hell is this and it's in the wrong spot I am forever trying to do things like alt tab and alt f4 but no we shall be retarded and not have such things.


As a laptop it's whole set up from OS to hardware design sucks IMO.


It's just what you are used to...it's like driving on the left(aus/uk) then the right(europe/us) at first a little confusing then it becomes fun....

and I think the touch pads are great...better the a lot of the pc ones I've used...


and the command button...think if you wasn't used to the alt..and you had to get your head round it....command would be easier...because you know..you hold command, when you want to do a command...and it's command + Q to quit an app fully or command + W to close a window of an app

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So I clicked this topic thinking "Hmm, this should be an amusing argument. I wonder what's going on in this thread." And then I realize I'm the op. :mfp:

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I can't stand the Mac OSX it's just all wrong ins not "smart" or "intuitive" or even "revolutionary".


The way windows work isn't right you can't minipulate them as easy as in win 7 there is no bumping them to the edges of the screen or anything and if you want to use functions like tools or open file you go to the top of the screen which makes things really annoying if you have a few windows open. Also because you can't fully maximize windows it can really start to cut into screen space especially when browsing the net.


You can change settings on the touchpad and by default they suck and it doesn't by any means work in a way I would find acceptable and even after configering it in a way that makes more sense it still gets annoying although it does respond well and accurately.


They keyboard is plain wrong command key what the hell is this and it's in the wrong spot I am forever trying to do things like alt tab and alt f4 but no we shall be retarded and not have such things.


As a laptop it's whole set up from OS to hardware design sucks IMO.


I totally agree. To add to what you said, what really kills the whole mac experience is Itunes. Here is basically the jewel in the crown of the mac world, and you can't do crap with it inside the OS. IF and only IF a person has just done a basic install of itunes without manipulating any directories, ALLL your itunes music is under the program "Itunes" under ....you guessed it....programs. NOT FILES. Oh no....no no no... We could not use basic computer though process to understand that each individual piece of music is a file. Noooo. That would require common sense, and we could never ask that from a person like steve jobs (pre-death).


Now I have been personally asked on three separate to find peoples music on their iMac because they could not find it. Now on windows it is under music, which is a no duh type of thing. Granted they are normally in a wierd format, but you can at least find them without too much trouble. Now correct me if I am wrong or mislead, but EVERY single time I have been on an iMac, ALLLLL the music is under iTunes itself. I hope to god these people just messed things up on their own because if that is the type of system the general population finds "easier to use" then we are truly screwed.


Finder is another useless piece of BEEP. It is just a sad sad SAD attempt at My Computer or Computer depending on your version of windows. Let me put it this way. I ripped a DVD of some video footage of my friend poring gasoline over a lit fire (.....yeah, it was indeed hilarious) to his mac, and it saved it to the downloads folder or some other place rather than videos. It took me twenty minutes to find the file to be able to save it to my flash drive. And god have mercy on your soul if any of the files that you are saving to your hard drive is not recognized by mac. I had a .bat file on my flash drive, and my flash drive would not be read until the .bat was erased. It had to be that because once I killed that file the drive was fine.


Bottom line is that there are some many freaking quirks to the OS that it really should have just killed the Mac lovers...love years ago. The fact that it hasn't, really shows that people want instant gratification and nothing else. To sum up my rant, I went to a Mac store and I spoke to the manager who was just a Mac cultist. I asked him why people buy these overpriced type writers and he said AND I QUOTE "because they are WORKING type writers". That was the point at which I decided that I just lost all faith in humanity. It really shows that the only reason we have i everything these days is because it is the perfect embodiment of our culture of instant gratification and ignorance.

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I totally agree. To add to what you said, what really kills the whole mac experience is Itunes. Here is basically the jewel in the crown of the mac world, and you can't do crap with it inside the OS. IF and only IF a person has just done a basic install of itunes without manipulating any directories, ALLL your itunes music is under the program "Itunes" under ....you guessed it....programs. NOT FILES. Oh no....no no no... We could not use basic computer though process to understand that each individual piece of music is a file. Noooo. That would require common sense, and we could never ask that from a person like steve jobs (pre-death).


Now I have been personally asked on three separate to find peoples music on their iMac because they could not find it. Now on windows it is under music, which is a no duh type of thing. Granted they are normally in a wierd format, but you can at least find them without too much trouble. Now correct me if I am wrong or mislead, but EVERY single time I have been on an iMac, ALLLLL the music is under iTunes itself. I hope to god these people just messed things up on their own because if that is the type of system the general population finds "easier to use" then we are truly screwed.


Finder is another useless piece of BEEP. It is just a sad sad SAD attempt at My Computer or Computer depending on your version of windows. Let me put it this way. I ripped a DVD of some video footage of my friend poring gasoline over a lit fire (.....yeah, it was indeed hilarious) to his mac, and it saved it to the downloads folder or some other place rather than videos. It took me twenty minutes to find the file to be able to save it to my flash drive. And god have mercy on your soul if any of the files that you are saving to your hard drive is not recognized by mac. I had a .bat file on my flash drive, and my flash drive would not be read until the .bat was erased. It had to be that because once I killed that file the drive was fine.


Bottom line is that there are some many freaking quirks to the OS that it really should have just killed the Mac lovers...love years ago. The fact that it hasn't, really shows that people want instant gratification and nothing else. To sum up my rant, I went to a Mac store and I spoke to the manager who was just a Mac cultist. I asked him why people buy these overpriced type writers and he said AND I QUOTE "because they are WORKING type writers". That was the point at which I decided that I just lost all faith in humanity. It really shows that the only reason we have i everything these days is because it is the perfect embodiment of our culture of instant gratification and ignorance.


1. iTunes stores music in User>Music>iTunes>Music Libary...and they are mp3 and m4a...depending on your settings


2. Finder = Windows Explorer!!


3. Downloads get saved to downloads folder!!!! which is in the taskbar unless some noob deleted it...then it would be in User>Downloads!!

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"Mac's last for like 5 freakin years" hahahahaha. That was hilarious!



My Macbook pro is going on almost 5 years now and it is running like a champ...



Honestly though you guys give Macs and Apple in general such a hard time. Most of the people who talk crap about Macs or Apple products in general have never owned them.



I was introduced to computers with an Apple product back in the early 90's, an Apple II. Sometime later my family bought a PC, and I was raised more with that. I had to rediscover that Macs and Apple in general make a good product. That kids arguments are stupid yeah I will admit it. I don't think I would ever own a Mac Pro tower or iMac as my primary machine, I love the Macbook Pros though. The design is just so much better than PC notebooks.


If PC manufactures took time in designing a product that doesn't feel like cheap plastic maybe I would reconsider it. My first notebook a HP was bulky and annoying. It died on me litterally a year and a half after i bought it (outside the warranty).



People talk all the time about how Apple is locking crap down and dumbing it down for the users. Well I got news for you, Microsoft has been doing the same thing lol. With OSX you still get a Unix kernel, being able to open up a shell and use Unix commands is nice. Also wtf telnet isn't install be default Microsoft... Microsoft ha been removing a lot of stuff from Windows... Sure theres putty, but why should I have to install something :P



I think a lot of people here just don't work with macs that often which is ok. I just hate people who make opinions about things that they have no experience with. Its like your mom always sad, "don't knock it until you try it".




Its just like saying Mac is better than Linux because it is Unix. :pfp:



I dont see your point here. OSX is a true Unix kernel, and Linux is only Unix like. In reality OSX is closer to Unix than Linux will ever be...

Edited by greengiant912

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