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Your lawyer friend fails hard.


"In the United States and all African and most Asian nations, "spanking," "whipping," "smacking," or "slapping" by parents is currently legal; it is also legal to use certain implements such as a belt or paddle."


Yeup. Try doing it to another adult and see where it gets you. If you hit someone with a paddle or a belt it can be considered assault with a deadly weapon as per the ruling of the judge and the nature in which it is used.


Hopefully it will be illegal in America in a couple of months. I have a petition to stop all of the above actions, and I just need 100 more people to sign it to take it to Eric Cantor. It is already at 800 so hopefully 900 will come rather soon. After that I get to work with him and bring it to the national stage.


Then all of you people will love me won't you?

Edited by Tjj226_Angel

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this is why marring your sister is against the law

i cant stand gun toting hillbillys

im sure hed be quick to defend his right to bare arms

what about her free speach

So because a man has a hat and a gun he's a hillbilly?

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That laptop was a gift. Gift in lawyer talk is to reposes. The girl possessed it. Therefore the girl owned it. Dad shot it. Bad dad. At least that is how the state sees it.


Except that's wrong. A minor cannot own property. That's why, even in the case of parents death leading to estate inheritance, it's held onto by a 3rd party until the minor comes of age.

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Except that's wrong. A minor cannot own property. That's why, even in the case of parents death leading to estate inheritance, it's held onto by a 3rd party until the minor comes of age.

I think I said that earlier, I'm glad someone else here knows that as well :)

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Yeah but try destroying an adult's property and see where that gets you. Thats destruction of private property and is a crime!




Man...this is easy. Win any discussion by twisting the untruth with the truth. I think Tjj is actually on to something here.

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What a hilarious read this has been :lol:. But a great chance to help promote my favorite internet columnist. http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-types-people-who-always-give-terrible-advice_p2/ Refer to #1 at the bottom of the page.


So Angel, are all American farming families that have their kids help out with chores participating in slave labor? Was I slave for 10 years because I went out each night to do the chores that made sure that there was a roof over my head? Am I brainwashed because I'm GLAD I did that? As I said previously, I was spanked while I was growing up, and I hated every second of it. But looking back, I'm glad I was, because it was stuff like that that helped set me straight. Anyone who's been on here long enough to remember The Alley section knows how much of a shithead I was.


Abuse isn't spankings. Abuse is the 18 year old disabled boy I work with who was raped and set on fire as an eight year old. Abuse is John, who was thrown out a second story window when he was two because he was diagnosed as being intellectually disabled. Abuse is that very same person being beat on his ears so bad he has to wear hearing aids, because he didn't listen well to his parents. Abuse is a client I work with today who has scars on his face from being scratched by one of his caretakers in the past. And I agree with your passion to end things like that, I support you all the way. But to have the gall to say that spankings or doing chores around the house are no different than that, is something else.


Finally I wish to express my firm belief: If you're not a parent, you don't know jack . about parenting. Since that applies to me too, I'll back out.

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No this guy does have some issues. Apparently he was beating his wife. His wife tried to fight for full custody and lost.


No I was right guys, this guy was seriously off his rocker, and his daughter was suffering. So far everyone I have shown this too, including people with their psychology degrees, all say that it was wrong and half of you people need help. They also said I am not writing what I think I am, but then again I never do.

This is why I said a few times that i didn't know the whole story, just from the video in my opinion he didn't do anything wrong.

Maybe a bit too strict, but certainly not abusive in terms of slave labor.


Though now that we have the whole story (or rather a bit of unverified info about the guy :P ) it is easier to judge.


Now that this has exploded all over the place, my sister was talking about it today FFS... we'll see the truth come out whether we like it or not.



and just so you rational people on here know, I'm not even saying anything bad about the guy quite yet.


Having been convicted of beating your wife does not always mean that you were, it could have been a single incidence that got out of hand.

Again, not knowing the full story I'm not going to pass judgement on the guy OR the daughter because I don't actually know what the situations were like.

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I seriously hope Tjj never has kids. I'm also 99% sure he's making 99% of this up. If he's not, he's one of the most deranged and unbalanced people that has ever graced this forum. :lol:

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