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OC'ing a 1055t


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Ok so I need to decide on a cooler for my brother's pc. It is going to be in a HAF 922 (Mine I'm getting myself a Trooper :evilgrin: ) now I'mm stuck between the Thermalright Silver arrow and the Cheaper Antec Kuhler 620... The Chip won't have a extreme oc but I want to see 3.6Ghz so my question is which would be the best option? Ram clearance is no problem, and the mobo is a 990FXA-GD65 so I should be able to see those clocks. Just have to decide on the cooler. BTW noise is a non issue its truly just witch would be the better option.


Thanks in advance

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Ok so I need to decide on a cooler for my brother's pc. It is going to be in a HAF 922 (Mine I'm getting myself a Trooper :evilgrin: ) now I'mm stuck between the Thermalright Silver arrow and the Cheaper Antec Kuhler 620... The Chip won't have a extreme oc but I want to see 3.6Ghz so my question is which would be the best option? Ram clearance is no problem, and the mobo is a 990FXA-GD65 so I should be able to see those clocks. Just have to decide on the cooler. BTW noise is a non issue its truly just witch would be the better option.


Thanks in advance


There are a lot of other options if you're willing to hear them... But in answer to your question, in my opinion, TR Silver Arrow over the 620. Silver Arrow stomps all over a 620, you'd need a 920 to compete with the Silver Arrow.


But, There is always the NH-D14, The new Phanteks cooler which as far as i know now, its THE Best air cooler on the market now, even beatting the NH-D14, by a long shot at that too! OCC reviewed the Phanteks here. NH-D14 and the Phanteks are similarly priced to the Silver Arrow, as well as a Promlimatech Megahalems paired with a couple high CFM fans can be cheaper and almost as good too! the NZXT Havik is a big tower cooler comparable to the NH-D14 as well, and as far as i know the Havik is better than the Antec 620 and the Silver Arrow, and its only $60! There are many many options if you're open to them.


More than that though, For a 1055t you really only need a Hyper 212+, YOu can hit 4.0GHz with a 1055t or 1090t and use only a Hyper 212+, with temps still in check. In that area there are also other options of good but still cheap coolers. But the Hyper 212+ is the best when it comes to being cheap and highly effective. Heck with the new years holiday sale at newegg, the Hyper 212+ is on sale for $20 for the next day or two, you'll need the promo code from the link.


~*EDIT*~, just noticed you're in South Africa, Ignore everything i say about prices and newegg, lolol. Sorry! blush3.gif

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I just ran Prime95 for 30 minutes on my 1055T at 3.65Ghz on an ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 with 8Ghz of Corsair Dominator in an Antec P183 and the Temp peaked at 52 but stayed at 50-51. I'm using a xigmatek gaia sd1283. I got it from Newegg for $24.99 less a $20.00 rebate.

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The 212 is a good budget cooler.If your looking to overclock there are much better. I would not recommend it. Get the Noctua D-14. With increased voltages to get decent overclocks, the 212 kinda suck compared to the D-14.

Edited by Drdeath

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Yea, but death, doesn't the D-14 price kinda suck compared to the 212+'s price, especially when the OP is looking to get 3.6GHz ;)


NOT TRUE AT ALL!!!!!!!!! I just bought myself a Nh-D14 for 50 bucks from an NCIX sale :woo:


But seriously, there are so many sales right now, you can get a much better heat sink for about the same price. In two days, then yeah the hyper 212 Evo is king again.



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