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Is the 6790 a good gaming card?

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Hi guys/girls,

is the 6790 a good gaming card? will this card be able to play games like Civ 5 and BF3 ect. (for my bro)

i was going to get a 5770 but this recently can out and looks good :) and also i heard was near par with the 6850?

and is sapphire a good choice for the 6790?

Thanks...again :)


Edited by TCcomputers29

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5770 isnt anywhere near on par with the 6850.. in most cases the 6850 is on par with the old 5850.. which destroys a 5770..



heres a review on it... theres plenty out there





as for gaming card.. id have to go with a no.. its not a gaming card, but then that all depends on what resolution ur going to play.. but its not a strong card so dont expect magic from it or detail in games..

Edited by mattyamdfanboi

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5770 isnt anywhere near on par with the 6850.. in most cases the 6850 is on par with the old 5850.. which destroys a 5770..



heres a review on it... theres plenty out there





as for gaming card.. id have to go with a no.. its not a gaming card, but then that all depends on what resolution ur going to play.. but its not a strong card so dont expect magic from it or detail in games..


sorry, i actually meant, that the 6790 is near par with the 6850

the resolution will be an 18.5 inch monitor

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well if u look at the review, ull see that its not near the 6850.. not even close.. it doesnt even come close to the 5830, which the 6850 comfortably spanks lol


on an 18" i would imagine the resolution to be around 1680x1050... id say the card would def play games on it, i dunno if u could max out the gfx settings though.. especially when bf3 comes out.. but only time will tell :P

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