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Mass Effect 3


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So I finished it this weekend, must say I loved the story, but the end felt a little meh...


I am going to talk about the ending a little bit, not giving away any major details just little things, I am going to use the spoiler tag however....



So at the end like all the other games you are faced with a decision. The problem with the decision is that the whole franchise has been building you up to this epic moment to defeat the Reapers then they take it and do a complete reversal on you... The meat to the story is awesome, and the build up to the ending is epic. I think they could of done more on Earth personally, having a central hub on Earth were you do some missions kinda like how you have the Normandy... They could of really expanded upon that on Earth and have had you preparing the troops on earth too. Kinda like how in SCII you left the Hyperion towards the end of the game and had an operations post on Char... /shrug




This I am going to say however as some people do skip it. Wait for the end of the credits, there is something at the end of them, and its pretty epic...



Buzz Aldrin gives some final words in the ME trilogy at the end of the credits


Edited by greengiant912

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Has anybody messed around in the Coelesced.bin yet? Trying to improve graphics anyway I can


I touched up fuel capacity and item highlight - I don't think there's much in there that will improve graphics. The cinematics straight from the HD vids they've released are the same as the max gameplay settings. You might be able to smooth a little or play with shadows, but I think we're forever going to have that gritty, texture-over-model look.


I've got two characters pretty far along. So far, "big" decisions from ME1 and 2 change some outcomes slightly, but the overall plot line is kind of immutable. Some of the cut scenes are inconvenient, espesh when one flows into the other for extended periods with no option to pause for beer/bathroom/phone call breaks.


Hate the spacebar - it is used for too many things, resulting in unexpected behaviour during combat. I despise suddenly rolling and getting stuck to walls at exactly the wrong time.


Still, loving this game in a big way. The wait was worth it.

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I touched up fuel capacity and item highlight - I don't think there's much in there that will improve graphics. The cinematics straight from the HD vids they've released are the same as the max gameplay settings. You might be able to smooth a little or play with shadows, but I think we're forever going to have that gritty, texture-over-model look.


With ME2 I believe people were able to make the shadows and draw distances better, but that's about it.

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I am not going to really complain about it, I would say though that the build up was much greater than the ending. I think this franchise is much more about the journey and not as much about the ending, kinda like Lord of the Rings.

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From what I heard about the ending, It sounds like a flop.

Im getting the game next week so I should be able to experience it for myself at that time but I hope I am not disappointed with my ME3 ending with my Shepard

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I don't have the game...but after reading about the ending I'd be furious if i did. The other two games actually let you influence the ending in pretty huge ways. This one seems to have the pretense of all that and then it bitchslaps you and laughs in your face. Then the game ends.


I would probably break something.

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