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Nice and cool =)


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o well i thought it would be a good idea but obviously not


Are you saying you did shift the sensor readings?



Getting below ambient is NOT possible. On Air and Water yes but there are ways.


Agreed but thats not what he is doing...

Edited by BluePanda

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no why would i shift my sensors ? thats jsut f***** up

So what are you saying was a good idea then? Anyway the fact that you still believe your temperatures are right... well I can't help you there.

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Speedfan has quite a reputation for being... well... crap. :whistling:

News to me, I've been using it for years and years and its been right on accurate on probably 8 out of 9 motherboards. It pulls the data right from the mobo sensors, so if the temps are wrong its not the programs fault - they were either labeled incorrectly, added manual correction factor, or the devices were setup as different sensors.


In this case the program is clearly either not compatible with the sensors used or was setup incorrectly. Look at the CPU fan...84 THOUSAND rpm :O . Thats quite a fan! :lol: .


The CPU will be cool compared to most overclocked PCs since its only 2.8ghz w/ 1.2vcore and idle( probably high 20s C in a cold room)...just not that cool.

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The CPU will be cool compared to most overclocked PCs since its only 2.8ghz w/ 1.2vcore and idle( probably high 20s C in a cold room)...just not that cool.

Pretty sure he's at 3.5 GHz...dunno what's up with his core temps. Definitely wrong though. :lol:

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Look at the CPU fan...84 THOUSAND rpm :O . Thats quite a fan! :lol: .


What, you haven't heard about OP's new hovercomputer?


I wouldn't say his sensors are wrong, it is possible to keep things cool



Where do you live, Siberia? :rolleyes:

Edited by l33t p1mp

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Lol you guys are silly, saying its impossible. I've gotten my old Q6600 to 4.5ghz on air haha, nobody ever believed my screenshots and told me I photo shopped them. The kicker was, I had an excellent air cooler, I had a towel at the bottom of the door to my (little) room, I had a fan in the window full blast and it was -28 degrees F out. Or in other words -28 degrees F in my room. I only did it to see how far I could OC the processor, it was fun.

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Lol you guys are silly, saying its impossible. I've gotten my old Q6600 to 4.5ghz on air haha, nobody ever believed my screenshots and told me I photo shopped them. The kicker was, I had an excellent air cooler, I had a towel at the bottom of the door to my (little) room, I had a fan in the window full blast and it was -28 degrees F out. Or in other words -28 degrees F in my room. I only did it to see how far I could OC the processor, it was fun.



It's March... :whistling:


Also...correct me if I'm wrong...


CPU temps are typically lower than core temperatures from the placement of the sensor. So...it sounds like you have a wrong offset, to say the least.


Your core temperatures do not sound the least bit accurate. Post your ambient temperatures. Are you using the AC 7 and overclocked? :doh:


Going below the ambient temperature is physically impossible without putting work in (compressor in phase change, DC power to a peltier, etc).

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