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To Xoom or Not To Xoom



15 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's getting a Xoom when they come out?

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What is Xoom? lol

I'm going to google now



Edit. ok, now I know. and no I won't buy one because I am not into tablets. They are like a laptop except missing some important parts ie. keyboard and the part that holds the screen up for me so I don't have to hold it. Sounds like a bad idea to me. I like keyboards, I like not holding my monitor all the time ,,, WTF is up with the tablet craze lately. Is it just me or is this just a fad?


And it is funny when people say (oh you can plug a keyboard in)

lol, that's why I have a laptop ((it's built in,, a key part of the design))

Edited by feetfats

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I ain't going to get a tablet until there is a decent one with pixel Qi or some form of color e-ink. I've been wanting a nook for a while and while I see no reason to get a tablet, I would if I could use it as an e-reader.


Edit: the notion ink adam doesn't count because 1: it's virtually impossible to get your hands on one so far and 2: everything I've seen about it says that it's a buggy mess.

Edited by TheHippi

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800 bucks for a tablet that will apparently have crippled WiFi without a data plan.... yeah, the premise of it sounds nice but I think I'll pass on it. I have an Android phone and an e-reader.. don't need another device.

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It's tempting, but I'm trying not to spend a lot of money right now. Besides, I've got an HP laptop with a swivel screen to make it a tablet. It may not have the battery life of a tablet, but I've got a keyboard, plenty of ports, and more power than what any tablet offers; dual core, 64-bit, 2GHz Turion with 3GB of DDR2 RAM, plus I put in a 60GB OCZ Vertex. Yeah, I'm good where I am. Besides, I've also got a Kindle DX, a Droid Incredible, and new iPod Touch. I've got enough gadgets as it is.

Sorry Motorola, but I'll pass.

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Too expensive and the 1 month data minimum for wifi makes me mad. But honestly even if it was $400 it'd be out of my price range so I doubt I'm the target audience (then again who is $800 buys a nice lapatop)


I agree....


I wouldnt buy anything that Verizon has and forces you to buy their service to unlock something you get for FREE everywhere else....Screw them

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