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Computer Pet Peeves


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Man this is just such a great thread Capi ;)


It has been mentioned about touching the screen with dirty hands, what about the people who fing eat and then get on the comp touching the mouse and keyboard, wtf :dunno:


What really drives me nuts, is when someone gets on a comp, with a browser open and goes to open a new browser window, when they could just open a new tab. Tabbed browsing, what a concept!


I also agree with the, when anyone other than me gets on my main rig (not allowed, but my gf and sis still do it) drives me nutz!

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What really drives me nuts, is when someone gets on a comp, with a browser open and goes to open a new browser window, when they could just open a new tab. Tabbed browsing, what a concept!



I generally open a new window for a new subject, tabs for the current subject/site.

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When people by an i7 with all the bells and ringers from dell, and all they do is check their email. Then don't clean the case and it overheats in a year, then ask me why dell is so bad.




People who mess with the keyboard, it has to be at a certain spot.


People who leave their crap in my mouse room.

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People who think there computer is 100% stable by playing solitary or a video game on It.

People who think there computer is better then your cause the case glows

and people who are under the impression that Dell is the best computer in the world!!!!!! :angry: FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.....


Is this a Rant thread or a pet peeve thread. :rofl:

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People whose browsing habits are stuck in the 80's.


They insist on using IE, and close it out by going to the menu bar File> Exit to close the browser. I've gone to the trouble to equip them with an optical mouse with a back button, but they will never use it, they always move the cursor all the way to the upper left corner to click on the back arrow. They won't use the scroll wheel either. If they are using my computer with FF or Opera, they give me a blank stare if I try to get them to use mouse gestures. I'm glad they feel they have the time to spend 10 times longer than necessary to get anything done. I hurts just to watch.

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when they want to plug large items into the close usb ports and just shove them in........... and working on somoenes laptop or desktop and they think I just clicked a button when I did a complete fresh install along with moving all their information over..........

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when they want to plug large items into the close usb ports and just shove them in........... and working on somoenes laptop or desktop and they think I just clicked a button when I did a complete fresh install along with moving all their information over..........

Yep with you there, aka they ask why it cost $150usd+ to move there old laptop over to windows they have no previous version of windows available.

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when they want to plug large items into the close usb ports and just shove them in........... and working on somoenes laptop or desktop and they think I just clicked a button when I did a complete fresh install along with moving all their information over..........


And then you explain in detail to them just how lucky they were that you were barely able to retrieve their irreplaceable data, and they still won't back anything up...

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Pet Peeves hmm....


When my family asks me computer questions...

When I do walk my family slowly through how to do something and then EVEN WRITE IT DOWN and then tell me they don't understand their notes...

When anyone touches my computer (except my niece when she is sitting in my lap).


Did I say when anyone touches my computer?


When I finally get something new for my computer and they announce something that is going to replace it the next day!

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People that complain about their computer pet peeves! :teehee:


People that not only touch the screen but actually press on it in order to get your attention away from it.


Other than that, most of the stuff that everyone has mentioned so far.

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I can't watch anyone use a computer at all. It doesn't take even a few minutes before I want to strangle them for something they are doing (or not doing).


People who don't realize that Facebook games aren't just brainsuckers for the weakest minds, they are also harvesting every bit of your personal information and selling it. Every single app you allow to access your profile does this, but that won't stop them from taking a quiz to see which color best describes their mood and then sharing it with their 850 friends . . .


I don't let on to anyone that I can use a computer if I can possibly help it. This took years of practice because I used to jump up to fix things. Now I've learned.


Not really a PC pet peeve, but I can't stand people that go around with their eyes glued to their cell phone like zombies. They can't walk down a hall with other people and feel comfortable without having to pull out their phone and look at it, or make it through a meal, or anything. If I think a girl is hot and then she pulls out her cell phone and gets sucked into it, it's the biggest turn off in the world.


I don't like flashy computers. I like computers that are awesome in an understated way. I don't like garish combinations of LEDs or stickers or guys with RicerPC syndrome.


I can't STAND computer noise. At all.


I hate Adobe because their update runs without sitting in msconfig's startup task list and then when it updates, it likes to re-add it's stupid shortcut to my startmenu. EVERY TIME. I switched to FoxIt PDF reader for this reason.


At school, I meet a LOT of CS and IS majors that don't know a thing about computers. They don't have the instinct or the background and it is clear that they will never develop the necessary mindset, yet they'll still graduate and get a job because sadly, their employers know even less.


I hate a systray full of icons. HATE it. I hate any program running in the background that isn't ABSOLUTELY necessary. One of the first things I suggest when people badger me to fix their computers is to just go to MSCONFIG and uncheck EVERYTHING. Chances are it will still work, after all.


I just hate that the internet is not longer the playground of the elite. It was different in the 90s--I'm not talking content wise (that's certainly a lot different), I'm talking people. The people online then--they had to know something to find their way online. Now, there are people who couldn't boil an egg sh!ting all over my Internet. I know this is a smug and elitist way to think, but I just can't help it.


I hate bloatware. I miss powerful small well-written programs. It's a lost art.


I really could type on this non stop.

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