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Wow, is it only 5 IP per case you get right? That's not even worth it.

Looks like it, you're suppose to get bonus points for getting multiple right. Or at least that's what they said. Have to wait and compare to see what other people got.

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I just had the greatest game of my life. Four friends and I group queued for a normal match. We were completely destroying them from the start. Two of them live in the same house and lost internet half way through and never returned. Here was the result of the match.




That's right. A final score of 66-14. Vayne and Jax lost connection probably around the 15-20 minute mark and we just 3v5'd them to the end. Surprisingly, it was still one of the easiest matches I've ever played. They refused to surrender for some reason, so we just ended up destroying their base. My teammates and I were left wondering what just happened. :lol:

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E3 2011: League of Legends: Spectator Mode Actually Exists

E3 2011: League of Legends: The Next Three Champions


Scott made sure to cite an example. "Alistar is kind of a dick," he told me


Yorick, the Grave Digger - Minion Champion - Casts Ritual Spells


Passive - gives Yorick a stat-boost whenever a ghost is out, which makes playing Yorick effectively a case of mastering the ghost timing, and cycling through them similar to Udyr's stance-dancing


Ability 1 - increases his movement and attack speed, and summons a ghost with high movement and attack damage that will chase the enemy for a few seconds


Ability 2 - triggers a slowing area-of-effect ability and summons a ghost in the same spot


Ability 3 - summons a ghost with 100% lifesteal, and the stolen health will also heal Yorick. The extra part of that ability is still being worked on.


Ultimate - is still up in the air, according to Scott.



Leona, the Radiant Dawn - Female Sun Paladin - Tanky Initiator


Been told she has an initiating ability and crowd-control ability


Ultimate - a circle of sunlight appears on the battlefield. Units who pass through it are slowed, and after a few seconds a plume of fire falls from the sky, stunning and dealing damage to everyone in the area.



Skarner, a massive, crystalline scorpion - Tank/Fighter


The ability they are currently testing on Skarner involves him impaling his target, allowing him to move with the enemy champion attached to his tail for a few seconds.






Edited by Krazyxazn

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